1st day

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"Good morning" I stretched sitting up in my bed.
I am now seven years old.
I got out of bed and got dressed into green shorts and a yellow dress.
I looked at my clock feeling like I'm missing something.
It was 7:50am.
'I'll just look at the calendar' I thought walking to my calendar hanging on the wall.
My eyes landed on September thired.
'First day of school' I read.
"Hmm" I looked at my alarm clock, then back at the calendar.
"I'm going to be late!" I yelled racing to the bathroom.
I brushed my hair, my teeth, and washed my face.
I raced downstairs and grabbed an apple then running out the door.
"Goodbye house" I say going down the stairs.
I ran through the streets of Konoha till I reached my destination.
"Ding.  Ding.  Ding." The school bell rang.
'Oh no oh no' I thought running into the school.
I slammed open the doors to my class.
Everyone looked at me as I felt a blush spread my cheeks.
"Yumi Namikaze?" The sensei asked looking at a sheet of paper.
"I'm sorry I'm late" I said putting my head down and putting my hands behind my back.
"The fourth hokages daughter should not be late, please be on time tomorrow" he said giving me a smile.
"Ok I'll try" I say sitting down in a seat.
I was sat next to kid eating chips.
"Now that everyones here, welcome to the ninja academy, you can call me Iruka sensei, for the next 4 years you'll be learning how to be a ninja, and what it means. You all will also still need to learn basic education though, so let's get started" he said giving us a smile.
He turned around and wrote chakra on the chalk bored.
"Our fist lesson will be about chakra, does anyone know what chakra is" he asked.
I thought for a moment before remembering some books I read that explained chakra.
"No one? Well that's expected for kids just getting into the academy, cha-"
I cut him off by hesitatly raising my hand.
"Ok Yumi, tell us, what is chakra" he said.
"Well I read a book and it said chakra is made up of two types of energy, physical and spiritual, and that alows us to use jutsus" I explained blushing.
Iruku sensei looked a little shocked.
"Correct, expected of the great fourths daughter" he said looking proud.
'Just like gramps said, people expect big things out of me' I thought.
He started the lesson again.

It was now time for lunch.
I walked out, realizing I forgot my lunch at home.
My stomach growled as I sat down against a tree.
I looked up into the sky watching the clouds move.
"Hey, your Yumi right, the girl who was late today" a blonde girl came up to me.
"Haha ya" I blushed well smiling.
"I'm Ino Yamanaka" she said sitting beside me.
"Did you know ino means wild boar, but your nothing like one, your way prettier" I pointed out.
"Wow I didn't know that, and thanks" she smiled.
My stomach growled again, another blush covered my face.
"Did you forget your lunch?" Ino asked.
"Ya I was in a rush" I told her.
"Here" she said holding out half a sandwich.
"B-But that's yours, you should keep it" I said turning away.
"Its fine I have another half, you can just pay me back" she said.
My stomach growled again.
"You know you want it" Ino grinned.
"Fine" I say turning around and grabbing the sandwich.
We ate in silence, until the bell rang, signaling us back.

It was finally the end of the day, and I was walking out.
"Hey, Yumi!" Ino called out running towards me.
"Oh, hi Ino" I smiled.
"Do you want to play with sakura and me, we are going to the woods" Ino explained.
"Sure" I smiled.
She grabbed my hand and started leading me.
I noticed a boy with blonde hair sitting on a swing, looking lonely.
I stopped "hey Ino? Who's that" I asked pointing.
"That's Naruto" she answered.
"We should invite him" I looked at her.
"We can't, Naruto is bad, you shouldn't talk to him" Ino said grabbing my hand again.
"But he looks lonely" I said looking at him again.
"Come on" she ignored me.
We walked up to a pink haired girl.
"Hi I'm Sakura Haruno" she said putting a strand of hair behind her ear.
"I'm Yumi Namikaze" I smiled.
"Let's go!" Ino said grabbing both Sakura and I's hand.
She lead us into the woods until we came to a small clearing.
Sakura ran ahead and went into a stick hut.
"Come on Yumi, in here" Ino said going in as well.
I got on the ground and started crawling through the little door.
Once I got in there was planets and stars hanging from the ceiling, flowers, and stuffed animals.
"Wow this is amazing, did you build this Ino?" I asked looking around.
"No, actually Sakura here built this all by herself" Ino said, as Sakura blushed.
"Wow that's so cool" I smilied brightly at her.
"T-thanks" Sakura said.
"I know! We should all meet here everyday after school, since were best friends now" Ino suggested.
"Best friends?" I asked.
"Ya! Were the best of friends" Ino smiled.
"Ya and you two are my best friends too" Sakura smiled too.
"I've never had a friend before... Ok! You two are my two very first only best friends" I smiled brightly hugging them.
We sat playing with sakuras stuffed animals, until the sun started to set.
"I have to go, the sun is setting" Ino said getting up.
"Me too" Sakura said getting up also.
I look up at them for a moment, before smiling.
"Ok, see you guys tomorrow" I say as they crawled out.
I was now alone, feeling the darkness of the night surround me.
I got up and crawled out of the hut.
I made my way back towards the academy, because I know the way back home from there.
There were many people going home, sitting at bars, and laughing with friends.
They all having someone to go home to.
I continue to walk until I stop by a house.
There was a big window showing the dinning room.
There was a family a dad, a mom, a son, and a daughter, all sitting down at the dinning table.
The food all homemade, the family all laughing and eating, and me, just me.
I get out of my trance and start walking.
Only to stop again as a black cat stopped in front of me.
The cat looked at me and meowed, it came towards me and rubbed itself on my legs.
I crouched down and started to pet it.
"Hey kitty, your fur is so soft" I've never felt anything softer then his fur.
"Meow" the cat put his paw on my hand, bring it down.
He licked my finger, and started walking into an ally way.
"Hey wait!" I called out to the cat, as if being compelled to follow him.
I followed him tell we reached the end of the ally.
The street was empty with street lights shinning.
There was a crowd of people circled around something.
"Look its the demon"
"Ugh why don't we just kill him"
"Don't go near him"
I was curious, who was this demon I hear people talking about.
I walked over to the crowd and smushed my way threw.
In the middle it was the boy on the swing, his blue eyes glossing over.
He looked scared and confused.
We made eye contact, some how looking into his matching eyes, I felt connected to him.
He turned around breaking the eye contact, and took off, breaking through the crowd.
I was about to stop him, until a hand stopped me.
I turned around to be faced with an old lady.
"That child is a demon, the 4th hokages daughter shouldn't be around him, got it young lady" she scolded me.
The villagers stared at me awaiting an answer.
I felt surrounded, with no way to escape.
"I-Im sorry, it'll never happen again" I put my head down, my face turning red.
"Put your head up, when your talking to someone, you look them in the eye" a man came up beside me.
"Stop blushing, you don't want to look like your horrible hair" a lady and her kid came up.
"I-Im s-sorry" I felt my eyes gloss over, making sure to look at her in the eye.
"You should be getting home, the 4th hokages daughter shouldn't be out this late" another man said.
I felt a tug on my hair, I turned around to see a little boy.
"Is this your real hair? It looks like clown hair" he said.
I turned around and put on a smile.
"Thank you, but you are right I should be getting home, have a goodnight" I say with the brightest smile.
After I turned the corner I ran until I was on a familiar bridge.
Taking heavy breaths, I looked down into the river, looking at my reflection.
Tears were streaming my face.
I grabbed some of my hair and looked at it.
'There right, I am a clown' I thought.
'I wonder where the kitty went?'


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