a silly crush

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"Ding, ding, ding" the school day was finally over.
I quickly got up and made my way over to Sakura and Ino.
Sakura had a smile on her face with a blush.
Sakura grabbed Ino and I's arms and pulled us closer.
"I have a secret, I'll tell when we get to the hut" she whispered.
"Ooo what kind of secret" Ino said teasingly.
"Shh Ino" Sakura blushed.
"Come on, the faster we get there, the sooner will know her secret" I say pulling on there arms.
"Ok, let's go!" Ino said walking in front of me.
We walked through the forest, stopping at the hut.
We all crawled in sitting down in a circle.
"Ok so my secer-" Sakura started.
"Wait before you tell us, I have a present for you" Ino interrupted.
Ino grabbed out a ribbon from her pocket.
"You should put this in your hair, you don't need to hide your forehead, you should embrace it" Ino said putting it in her hair.
"I-Ino" Sakura said.
Ino grabbed a mirror.
"Just look at yourself, you look beautiful" Ino held out the mirror.
"Ya you look amazing, Sakura" I said.
"Thanks Ino" Sakura smiled, hugging her.
"Ok, ok what was your secret?" Ino asked.
"Oh ummmm I have a crush" Sakura blushed well twiddling her fingers.
"Ooo so who is it?" Ino leaned in.
"S-sasuke" Sakura put her hands against her mouth.
"Why Sasuke?" I asked.
"He's smart, the best in the class, and he is so cool" Sakura said dreamily.
"Haha I totally forgot I told my mom I was going to help her today, I have to go bye" Ino crawled out.
"Oh Yumi?" Sakura said.
"My parents invited you over for dinner, they wanted to meet you" Sakura smiled.
"Ok, I'll go" I smiled.
"Then let's go" she got up gesturing a hand.
I grabbed it and we got out of the hut.
We made our journey to her house.
Sakura pulled me through the door and brought me to her kitchen, where her mom and dad were.
"Hi mom, hi dad, I want you to meet Yumi Namikaze" she introduced me, giving a smile.
"Hi Yumi, you can call me Mebuki, and this guy here is Kizashi" Mebuki said smiling.
"Hi" I blushed a little.
"Come on Yumi" Sakura grabbed my hand and lead me upstairs.
"This is my room" she said openning a door.
We walked in, there was a bed, dresser, drawers, and a window.
"I know, its a little small" she said.
"No, not at all, I think its the perfect size" I smiled.
'My house is to big'
"Hey do you want to play with some dolls?" She asked.
"Sure" I said getting excited.

"Foods ready!" We hear Mebuki call from down stairs.
We get up and race down the stairs.
"Here Yumi you can sit right here" Sakura pointed to a seat right next to hers.
"Ok" I say sitting down.
"For dinner its Yakiniku!" Mebuki said putting the food on the table.
"Thank you Mebuki" I said smiling.
"Your welcome dear.
We all put our hands together.
"Thank you for the food!" We say before digging in. 
"So Sakura how was school?" Kisashi asked.
"It was good, I got a 23 out of 25 on my math test, and next week we have have a test about Chakra" Sakura explained.
"Very good Sakura, what did you get Yumi?" Mizuki asked.
"Oh, I think I got like a 25" I say, swallowing the food in my mouth.
It was very good, I wonder if this is how every family is.
"Expected" Kisashi says.
I get up out of the chair.
"May I use the bathroom?" I asked.
"Sure sweety, its upstairs the 1st door on the left" Mibuki said.
"Thank you" I raced upstairs.
I locked myself in the bathroom, and looked at myself in the mirror.
'Its just another expectation' tears were rolling down my face.
I hear slit mumbling from downstairs, so I put my ear to the door.
"Keep on pretending to be her friend, and you'll be a popular kinoichi" Kishashi said.
"The more fame, the more money" Mizuki said.
"Yes mom and Dad" Sakura said.
"You need to also be smarter and better then her, she's the 4th hokages daughter, so she's spoiled with books and special jutsus" Mizuki said.
"If you ever go to her house, you need to steel some scrolls" Kishashi said.
"Got it" Sakura said.
"Shhh she might here us" Mizuki whispered.
'Oh' I suddenly felt as if I was in a strangers house.
I walked out the bathroom, well plastering a smile on my face.
"I have to leave, I'm sorry" I apologized heading towards the door.
"Why?" Sakura asks.
"You didn't finish your dinner sweetie, why don't you finish it first" Mizuki said.
Fake smile spreading on all there faces.
"Your all only nice to me, because I'm the 4th hokages daughter! All I wanted was to have someone, to not be lonely anymore! But I guess when I finally thought maybe I'll have someone, they only want me for money! I never asked to be the 4th hokages daughter! I just want people to treat me like a regular kid! I have a name and it's Yumi Namikaze!" I yelled, not even feeling the hair floating off my back and the tears streaming down my face.
They stared at me in shock, there fake smiles gone.
Sakura had guilt and fear in her eyes.
But I didn't care.
I slammed opened the door and ran out.
'I still have Ino right?'

It was the morning after the event, and I was currently walking to school.
I was holding back the pain, putting a smile on my face.
I guess its hard to tell what's fake and what's real.
I walked in to the front gates of the academy, and I noticed Ino leaning against a pole.
I ran towards her.
"Hey Ino!" I waved my hand.
"Hmph" she crossed her arms and turned away from me.
"Ino?" I questioned.
"We can't be friends anymore" Ino said.
"W-what w-why" my voice waverd.
"I like Sasuke, so do you and Sakura, so then we can't be friends" she stated.
'Can't be friends' it replayed in my mind, over and over.
I couldn't even deny the fact I didn't like Sasuke.
I felt my heart beat, everything became silent.
All I could do was run, run with no destination, no one to go to.
Uncontrollable tears were slipping down my face.
'I have no one'
I finally stopped, sitting down as I was out of breath.
I came to my senses, and looked around.
I was on the bridge, same one from that night.
I Breathed haevly slowly getting up.
I leaned myself over the railing, looking at my reflection on the water.
"Isn't someone your age supposed to be in school" someone said.
"Huh" I look over, with my tear stained face.
There was a man with white long hair, and red marks down his face.
"Hm why is a beautiful girl like you crying?" The man asked sitting on the railing.
I quickly wipe my face with my hands.
"I-Its nothing" I respond.
"I'm sure its something"
"I just want a friend, see nothing" I say.
"That's not nothing, I'll be your friend" the man said.
'Hes different, but what if he just wants to use me' I thought.
"Are you just trying to use me for something?" I asked.
"Now why would you say that?" He asked.
"That's what people want, they either expect me to be the best, or want to use me" I say looking down in the water again.
"Let's make a promise, if you dont try to use me, I want try to use you" he put out his pinkie.
My eyes glossed over.
"P-promise?" I asked.
"Promise" he answerd.
I slowly put my pinkie up to his.
"Now you have a friend" he smiled generously.
A smile grew on my face.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"Well I'm glad you ask!" Suddenly a giant Toad appeared, and he was standing on it.
"I'm the hermit of Mount Myoboku, the wise and immortal spirit, that's right!, it is I, the toad mountain sage!" He had a big smile on his face, a real one.
"What?" I questioned him.
I then rememberd a book I read about 3 legendary sonin, one of them was a toad sage.
"I'm also an authur" he said pulling out a book.
"Make out Paradise?" I read the cover.
"Guess you haven't seen it before" he looked sad.
"Wait, arent you one of the legendary sonin, ummm" I say trying to remember his name.
"Correct! I am the great Jiraiya!" The giant Toad disapperad.
"Was that a summoning jutsu?" I asked with a smile on my face.
"Yep, would like to learn it?" Jiraiya asked.
"I don't think I want to summon toads, can you teach me something else?" I got excited.
"I'll teach you shadow clone jutsu, but I also need to research" he said.
"What kind of research?" I asked.
"Special research" he giggled well getting a blush on his face.
"Ok! Can I learn it now" I smiled brightly.
"Sure, just follow me" he said getting up and started to walk.
Thats how I met master Jiraiya, little did I know how big of a perv he is.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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