ONE: Natasha

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The galaxy is at peace, I tell myself. Every day it's my motivation to keep going, to not let the things of my past get to me. I've lost many people in my time, I'm glad I no longer have to suffer. Or so I hope. Their faces show up in my mind every day. Clint, Tony, Steve. The memory of Clint throwing himself off Vomir, Tony dying to save the universe. It all replays in my head constantly. I thought there could be a way to get rid of the memories. But once something is stuck in your head, it never leaves no matter how hard you try to let it go.

Steve's funeral was almost a year ago, yet it feels like it was just a day ago. Seeing him lay peacefully in the dark wooded coffin was a hard sight because I loved him a lot. I should've tried to keep in touch more. I should've called every once in a while, but I felt like something was different after he became older. It's like he forgot about our two years in hiding. Our laying in bed all day together, arms entangled in one another. Thinking that just for then, we could be happy and that we didn't have to deal with the problems of the world. I understand why he changed his life, Peggy was the girl meant for him. I try to remind myself that I was not a side piece, that he loved me, but nothing could match his love for Peggy. The story's he told me about her were so fascinating. I wish I could've had the chance to know her. Steve must've lived a beautiful life with her.

"Aunty Nat?" Nathaniel enters my room, his pipsqueak voice adorable as ever.

"Yes, little Nat?" I pull my covers off, getting out of bed and crouching down beside the little man.

"Are you doing that thing again? Thinking about Daddy and Tony?" He asks me so innocently.

"Yes, buddy. It's hard to forget about that stuff sometimes. Your Daddy was such a great guy, just like you'll be." I pat his shoulder and smile so he knows everything is okay.

"I miss Daddy Aunty Nat." He frowns putting his arms around me giving me a big hug.

"I know sweetie," I speak in a calm tone. It's been five years since Nathaniel has last seen his Father. "he's probably watching over you right now making sure you're okay. He wouldn't want you to be sad, he would want you to do fun things!" I pull back smiling brightly at him.

"Is that why we're going to Aly? For fun things?" He says.

"Italy sweetie," I correct him. "and yes, Italy will be lots of fun."

"I'm so excited Aunty Nat!" He bursts with excitement.

"I know sweetie! Do you have all your things packed? We will be leaving soon!" I pick him up and walk into the main area of the Barton house, where I've been living for the past 4 years.

"Almost, Mommy is getting my clothes ready for me!" He says as I set him down.

"Morning Aunty Nat." Lila, Clint's oldest daughter says as she packs sandwiches into wax paper for snacks when they wait at the airport later.

"How're you feeling Lila? Two weeks until school!" I say teasing her.

"Not funny Nat! You know I'm not excited at all!" She laughs and finishes wrapping up the last sandwich.

"Grade 12, Lia you're getting too old!" Laura Barton says as she walks down the stairs into the kitchen. "Morning Nat!"

"Morning!" I say smiling and pulling out the chair next to me for her to sit on.

"Francis!" She calls. "I thought you said you'd make breakfast this morning if we let you bring your video game console on the trip!" Silence sounds from upstairs. "God I hate teenagers!" She exclaims.

"Mom! Am I not a good help? I made sandwiches and coffee is almost ready!"

"I know sweetie, but you had your phase." Lila rolls her eyes turning around to the coffee pot. "Now what were you saying about coffee?" Laura winks at me.

"I want coffee!" Nathaniel says jumping up and down.

"Sweetie you can't have coffee, you're not old enough! But you can go and gather the toys you want to bring. Remember only four toys, but if you sneak in a fifth one I might not notice." Laura winks and Nathaniel runs off smiling into his room.

"How was your sleep, Laur?" I ask.

"I would say great, but I was so excited with anticipation for this trip that I don't think I slept a second!" We laugh as Lila serves our coffee.

"Black for you Aunty Nat. And one cream, one sugar for you Mom." She smiles confidently at her job well done.

"Thank you so much, sweetie. Will you go get your brother up for me?" Laura asks.

"I'm not going near that Beast!" She grabs hert sling of arrows and starts to put her boots on. "I'm going out to the range to practice before we go." She says as she heads out the door.

"I'll go and see if I can get him up." I say as I smile at Laura then walk up to not so little anymore Francis' bedroom. As per usual he's sleeping head under his pillow, his game console still on a menu screen. "Francis?" Nothing. "I guess we'll be leaving for Italy without you." I start towards the door until I hear sheets ruffling.

"I'm up, I'm up!" He says. Quickly collecting clothes and shoving them into his suitcase.

"Good. Be ready in ten minutes." We aren't leaving in ten minutes but better to be early than late. I head downstairs grabbing my coffee cup and stepping outside to watch Lila shoot. Her aim is exquisite and it seems like nothing for her to get a bullseye. She learned from the best. Finishing my coffee I walk into the kitchen and set it into the dishwasher. Time to pack.

When I step in my room I notice an envelope on my bedside table. I open it up and a picture of Morgan and Pepper Stark falls out. A note accompanies it that reads "Hi Aunty Nat! Thank you for the B-Day wishes and the cool engineering set you got me! It was an amazing tenth birthday! Peter even showed me some web tricks! I hope you have fun in Italy and I'll see you soon! Love Morgan." My heart warms knowing she had a great birthday. I make a mental note to write a postcard from Italy to her.


After a day of packing and getting everything together, we are off to the airport. We arrive with time to spare. Lila and I decide to look at some shops well we wait. I find this really cute carving of a bow an arrow. I buy it for her and slip it into my pocket, as she has a birthday coming up.

"So did you find anything, Aunty Nat?" She asks me holding a bag of stuff she bought.

"Not a thing, but it looks like you did!" I say.

"Yes I just couldn't resist the vanilla smelling candles they had, plus they had some fake flowers that would be great in my scrapbooks." She explains.

"Awe very nice. Should we head back or is there another store you want to look at?" I ask.

"I'm okay, let's head back. I'm dying for one of those sandwiches."

"Your sandwiches always have been so good." I tell her. Just coming into my view I see Nathaniel doing a dance for a group of people. "Nathaniel really is the bravest man ever." I say.

The people around him laugh. One man looks afraid as he darts his eyes in every direction.

I look up to see a person flying, leaving green mist in their trail. Their fish bowl head is trippy to look at. People sprint away from the person into our area of the airport. The figure flying seems familiar from the news...

I look back to the afraid man, he turns into a blue girl, orangish hair. She runs the opposite direction of Mysterio. I grab Lila's hand in shock trying to comprehend what I've just seen in front of my eyes. That's when Mysterio shoots. Nathaniel goes flying from the explosion that hits the group.

A/N: Thank you for reading this if you did! Expect more iconic characters to be introduced soon, as this will be a dual perspective book around the galaxy!

A-FORCE: Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Captain MarvelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang