Merry Christmas(Ashton Imagine)

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It was Christmas Eve you were really happy to tell my boyfriend Ashton the news you've been hiding for 3 months that you were pregnant.


3 months ago I found out I was pregnant but I didn't have the courage to say it to its daddy Ashton my mom and my best friend A/N are the only ones that know about it.Today was Christmas Eve so I thought why not tell him tonight at 12:00 am as a Christmas present.

It was 5:00pm so I went upstairs to get ready for the party.After I got ready I heard a knock on the door so you opened the door to see Ashton giggling and then he sed:'Hey Y/N are you ready?'

I answered back:'Yeah'

Then he sed:Well then let's go

*At the party*

I'm so nervous how am I suppoused to tell him that I'm 3 months pregnant?

Then Luke came and sat beside me and sed:Hey Y/N want a drink?

And I sed:No thanks

Then he answered with his eyes wide open:Well that's a miracle are you okay? Because like you drink a lot and today you don't want some

Then I sed:Well I'm just not in the mood to drink Luke.

He said:Well okay let me know if you change your mind.

Then he stood up

I yelled so he could hear me:Well I won't

*At 12:00am*

At 12 of clock I looked for Ashton and sed:I have something to tell you I hope you don't take it badly but here it goes I've been keeping this secret for about 3 months Ash your gonna be a daddy!

His smile grew bigger and bigger then he sed: I love you so much and I can't wait to see this little guy or girl

And then I sed:Well Merry Christmas Ash

Then he kissed me it was the best kiss in our whole relationship I swear
Hope you guys enjoyed leave any suggestions??? Please haha see you guys next one probably gonna be of Michael so if your a Michael girl get exited maybe idk I'm a horrible writer I think idk haha

Imagines of 5SOSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon