Long Distance Relationship Meet Up(Michael Clifford Imagine)

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It was a sunny day in Miami,FL my hometown.I got up at 6:00am I looked thru my phones notifications and I see a message from my boyfriend Michael Clifford yes the one and only Michael Clifford from 5SOS saying:"Good Morning babe I got a surprise for you when you wake up call me".I just wondered what could it be all I thought was how much I missed his lips on mine and, cuddling in bed with him every night.So I got up of my bed and went to the kitchen and since I was tired I just grabbed a granola bar from the fridge,I ate it and then got myself ready for the day I just wore a Pierce The Veil shirt with some black shorts and my hair in a pony tail.Then I grabbed my phone shaking because I was scared and exited of what he was gonna say and I dialed his phone number.He answered:
Michael:hey baby so I told you about a surprise well here it is I know you miss me so much and I miss you a lot also so I thought why not buy you plane tickets for you to fly to Australia in a week and if you like it over here move in with me how about that?
Y/N:Sure baby I would love that.
Michael:Well I'll send you the plane tickets by e-mail I'll see you in a week can't wait
Y/N:I can't wait either
Michael:I love you so much I'll see you soon
YN:I love you too.
Then I hanged up I was scared plus exited because I didn't wanna leave my town but I also wanted to see my boyfriend.


I received an e-mail with the plane tickets due for Wednesday I had 7 days to pack and get everything going incase I moved to Australia.So I started packing my clothes.
After a long day of packing I finally finished it was already 8:00pm so I ordered a Pizza.

I headed to the airport with tears of happiness and sadness.I checked in and headed to the Libby thing you know where you wait for your airplane yeah that place.It was 8:00AM when they called for flight to Australia I got in the airplane at about 8:15 AM.I called Michael to tell him I was already at the airplane.
I got out of the airplane to see Michael standing right outside I just ran to him and hugged him and kissed him I just couldn't believe that after billions of days I got to see my boy again.

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