Movies (Actors)

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Chris Evans

What can you say. You and Chris have a spot spot for cult classics and Fight Club tops that list. The two of you once ran into Brad Pitt at an awards show. You thought Chris was going to have an aneurism when he saw the star of his favorite movie. Chris always picks classic movies to nerd out over on your weekly movie night. This one always manages to pop up at least once a month. However, you usually don't get through its entirety without getting, distracted. 

Sebastian Stan

Sebastian loves horror movies more than anything. You, on the other hand, not so much of a fan of the ones he likes. You can handle The Shining, but ask you to watch a movie like Paranormal Activity or, Sebastian's favorite The Exorcist, you're hiding in his shoulder for the next two hours. But you watch it with him anyway. Sebastian likes to watch horror movies with you because they get you to climb into his lap, wrap your arms around his neck, and bury your head in his shoulder. 

Tom Hiddleston

As a history buff, you love war movies. And Tom, he's friends with Kenneth Branagh. It only makes sense the two of you would love to watch Dunkirk. There's just something about the surround sound speaker system you have in your living room that makes this particular movie pleasurable to watch. You also find it hilarious to watch Tom squirm when you talk about how pretty Jack Lowden's eyes are. 

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