Tom Holland Catch Up

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Word Count: 3k

How You Meet

Being a singer was the best thing in the world. You got to spend so much time on the road in places that otherwise you never would have been able to visit. You got to meet so many incredible people along the stops on your tour. And you got to give new musicians their start when they opened for you. 

Bringing along acts that hadn't gotten the recognition they deserved was a big deal to you. You had been one of those acts when Eric Church brought you along for two of his tours. From there you'd gone on to open shows for numerous superstars, Taylor Swift, Niall Horan, and Carrie Underwood being just some of them. 

Now you were headlining your own tour. It came with a lot of new opportunities you only had a few times when you were opening. Three hours of meet and greet before the show, interviews with magazines and news stations at every stop, and so much more. You were going to award shows, performing at the Oscars, it was all a dream come true and you couldn't think of a way it could get better. Actually, there was one way it could get better. 

"Good night New York!" you yelled, waving to the crowd before running off stage after your encore. Your tour manager caught you as soon as you were out of sight. 

"You have a VIP waiting for you in your dressing room," she told you, her ponytail swinging as she power-walked you through the tunnel, crew and Madison Square Garden employees darting out of your way. "Don't give me that look, you're gonna like this one." Your manager knew you well, she had to if she was going to spend six months on the road with you, so if she said you were going to like something, you were going to like something. 

"Dear God," you murmured as your gaze fell on the VIP sitting on your couch. "You're Tom Holland." 

"And I'm a fan," Tom said smoothly as he stood up, placing his water glass on the table. 

"So am I," you responded, unsure of what to say. You shook as Tom leaned in to hug you. "Sorry," you said. "I'm a bit sweaty after performing. Why did I just say that?" 

"That's alright," Tom chuckled lightly, pulling away. "You should see me after a day of filming." 

"Let me go freshen up, I'll be right back," you pivoted on your heel and gave your manager a look before ducking into the bathroom. You turned on the sink and ran your hands under the cold water. Your now cool hands felt refreshing against the back of your neck as you tried to compose yourself before going back out into the main dressing room. The sound of your band coming through the door sent you out of the bathroom, their loud volume would give you the perfect cover to talk to Tom. 

"Better?" Tom asked, a small smile on his face as you sat back down. 

"Much," you nodded, ignoring the techs as they pulled your mic and ear buds off you. 

"You seem pretty used to that," Tom said, watching as they pulled the tape keeping the wires down from your back under your shirt. 

"Happens everyday," you chuckled, turning and thanking your team. "What about you? Anything new in the works?" 

"That's part of the reason I came to your show tonight," Tom began. "I wanted to ask you if you'd be part of my new project. 

"And the other part?" 

"You're my celebrity crush," he admitted, looking down at his lap shyly. "I heard you were playing Madison Square Garden while I was in New York, and it's the only stop on your tour that lines up with mine so I thought what the hell, shoot my shot see if it gets me anywhere." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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