Chapter 25

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At The Restaurant

You all go eat and continue your conversation from the hotel room. You ride back to the hotel from the restaurant and you find a large crowd waiting outside. You all go to see what's the matter.

Saturday: 7:02

Y/N: What's going on over there?

Tom: Would you believe their late for the meet-up?

Harry: Nope

Sam: By nine hours?

Haz: Good point

Crowd: We want Tom Holland back

Crowd: Y/N can't have him to herself

Tom: *covers your ears with his hands but you slap them*

Y/N: Whatever, their just jealous of this *point to your face*

Tom: I'm sorry you have to hear this

Y/N: I'll get used to it

Y/N: I'll have to if I keep dating you

Tom: I'm—I'm so sorry

Tom: Can you cry on cue?

Y/N: Ya, why?

Tom: When I clap, start crying

Y/N: I'm not gonna ask

Tom: Thanks

Tom: *walks over to the crowd*

Tom: Hey guys, what do you think is the point of this?

Crowd: *goes quiet*

Old Lady: She stole you from us and we want you back

Crowd: *cheers*

Tom: *claps and you start crying like he said to do*

Tom: Look at what your doing

Tom: You all made her cry

Crowd: *cheers louder*

Y/N: *you start to actually cry and Tom notices it's not fake*

Tom: *hugs you*

Tom: If you all don't support my actions you can leave

Crowd: *leaves really slowly*

Y/N: *in between sobs* Why do they hate me?

Harry: Wait I thought you weren't actually crying

Haz: This is real?

Paddy: Y/N, I'm so sorry

Sam: Don't let them get to you, Y/N

Sam: That's all they want

Sam: Is to hurt you

Tom: It's because I'm so hot and they love me too much

All: *look at him like he's insane*

Tom: I am and it's true

Y/N: Can we just go inside

Tom: Definitely babe

Paddy: Why are you calling her babe

Tom: Because I can

Sam,Harry,Harrison: *laugh*

Y/N: *walks up to the elevator and then to the room*

All: *follow you upstairs*

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