Chapter 8

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Severus Pov.

A frantic knock comes from my portrait, we all turn our heads and I make the decision to answer it just incase what ever is behind that door could be harmful. I get to the door and hesitate before opening it, I see my closest friend, Remus Lupin. But how do I know its really him, if Barty Crouch Jr. could get in anyone can. I glare at him and say

"What's something only Remus would know?" He chuckles before a huge grin covers his face as he says,

"Remember in 4th year when you cried over me in the hospital wing because I had a really difficult full moon?" I roll my eyes pulling him into my quarters and ask,

"Why would you smile while saying that, you almost died." He shrugs and takes a seat on my couch.

"Moony!.. Wait I thought you two hated each other?" Harry asks, Remus shakes his head and puts an arm around me while explaining.

"Nope, Sev and I have been friends since first year, he just doesn't tell anyone since he's a tired grumpy potato. We were even better friends than him and Lily to be frank." Draco cocks his head and questions,

"Wait was Sev friends with the Potter and Black?" I shrug and Remus nods saying

"I see other people outside of our group picked up on the nickname huh Sev." I just grunt in response knowing I have a fond look in my eyes and say

"I was never all that close with the two but James' death did completely devastate me, honestly I'm still not over it even though it was years and years ago. Oh and Remus, how your son doing? I hope you don't leave the poor boy with the mutt for too long." Remus rolls his eyes at my antics and says

"Teddys doing great, just keep in the worst of your sardonic remarks about the 'mutt' since he just happens to be my husband. Anyways, he is highly capable of taking care of our son for a few hours or so." I look at him like he's crazy and say

"Hours? It's already 8 pm and Harry has already fallen asleep once and we still need to get things sorted out at Gringots tomorrow. You know what, Draco could you take Harry upstairs while Remus and I converse?" Draco nods and basically carries a half asleep eighteen year old up to his room. Once I know they're out of ear shot I cast a silencing spell and say

"Lets get to business, I want to adopt Harry since he currently has no living family. Draco and I already discussed the subject earlier and thinks I should ask Harry about the idea tomorrow before we leave, what's your opinion?"

"I honestly think it's a great idea but if you back out I'll call Siris and he will shed blood." I roll my eyes

"Thats not even close to as bad as when James thought it was funny to lock me in the shrieking shack with you during a full moon not knowing I didn't have my wand on me. I actually do trust your husband since he saved me and James did apologize to me many times, so I forgive him too. Also, you know I would never do that to Harry, what do you take me for?" Remus just shrugs and says

"Just making sure, he's been hurt enough already." I silently agree with him and ask

"So when are you gonna let me come over again? Its been months since I've seen Teddy, I bet he misses me."

"You can come over any time as long as you let us know in advance, and bring Harry and Draco next time will you?" I nod and we relax into the silence until a certain blond comes down the stairs and says

"Sev, how close where/are you with Remus and them?" I lightly glare at him and say

"I am much closer with Remus than any of the others since he's not arrogant like Siris or just plain stupid like James. I never trusted the rat and hated him with a passion, I tried to warn James but he never listened. Lily knew me since we were nine but we never really clicked like me and Remus, we mostly only discussed what I had read from my mothers old Hogwarts books." Draco nodded and then Remus said

"Siris isn't arrogant he just doesn't think things through all the time, like I said before, he's my husband." I roll my eyes and smirk, "Well if I didn't say something sardonic about him then I would be loosing my edge." He laughed at me and said "Sev, you lost your edge in first year when you brought in that sick kitten and then literally took care of it for fourteen years, I honestly still miss angel." Draco snorted at me,

"You named your cat angel, couldn't imagine that." I shake my head lightly, "Firstly she was a pure white cat and the sweetest little thing, and Remus helped me come up with it. I was an amazing name for that cat anyway, don't judge my name giving abilities."

"Pshhhh whatever, so how has harry been? He seems a lot better than last year or even third year." I nod at Remus and say,

"He has been getting better, I think, it's a process but he's doing more and more each day which is giving me hope." Draco smiles and replies with,

"I honestly wish me and Harry never had such a rocky background since I've adored him since I met him, he's sweet and timid. Now that I know why he's so timid it makes me wonder if he wouldn't if there were different circumstances." Quite suddenly the fireplace turns green and I just put my head in my hand while Remus light up,

"Hey Sev, I was wondering if me and Ted were welcome?" I just slowly nod while he comes through the flames, Draco looks up at him and smiles lightly while holding his hand out and standing up.

"Hello uncle and cousin, I'm sorry to say that we've never been formally introduced, I'm Draco Malfoy." Sirius shook his hand with a wide smile and a child on his hip,

"Teddy, say hello to your cousin."

"Hewow, I'm Teddy, nice to meet you." Teddy waved his tiny hand at my god sun before jumping out of Sirius' arms and running over to me. He throws himself onto my lap and just sits there smiling,

'Ahh I adore Teddy' I see two of my best friends giving me knowing smiles as Sirius sits down across from me and Remus, I just shake my head as Teddy talks to me,

"The other day me and my dads went and got ice cream together and I got strawberry!" his hair was changing colors and it warmed my heart,

"I don't like ice cream but I'm glad you can enjoy it." Teddy looks at me shocked and looks at the others in the room as if I was crazy, he turned to Remus and whispered to him'

"I think he's cwazy, who doesn't like ice cream?" Remus chuckles and softly agrees with his son while Draco and Sirius chuckle in the background, Sirius then smirked at me and said,

"So how's my best bud doing lately, I haven't had a nice talk with you like this for a while." I smile at him before getting a little more serous and saying

"I want your opinion on something."


"Do you think I could adopt Harry, I really want to but I don't know how to approach it and thats why I need your help." Remus shoves me in the arm and Draco smiles at me while Sirius replies with,

"I'm so glad that you're doing this, he really needs a strong parental figure in his life and I think you would be just perfect. To tell him I think that instead of beating around the bush you should just tell him and see how he reacts, and maybe tell him that he doesn't have to answer at the moment, but no matter what he says yo won't view him any differentially." I smile and Draco says,

"I agree with Uncle Sirius, you also tend to use long fancy words that no one understands when talking about emotions and Harry gets super confused so try not to do that as much and you'll be just dandy." I nod and say,

"Well, it's getting quite late and after the actioned packed day I'm going to go check on Harry and go to sleep, and you all should too." I set Teddy on the ground while I stand up and let him run to his parents, they go though the floo as Draco and I go to check on Harry,

"Draco, you and Harry sleep well as I examine new potion ingredients, I will see you both tomorrow. Goodnight."


Sorry for taking so long to post this, I'm back now and trying to wright a lot more so expect to see more chapters


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2019 ⏰

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