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The Doctor pushed the door of the TARDIS open, inhaling deeply in order to get himself accustomed to this place and time. This was the first time he'd been in sixties London in this particular body,but he felt somewhat thrilled to see how it would turn out. He had a plan growing and evolving in his mind - it was just a matter of putting it into place.

His first stop, of course, would be inside I.M. Foreman's Scrapyard. He could recall some very important and fascinating moments of his life that had taken place at that particular location - now, if everything went well for him, the Doctor would be creating even more history for himself in that spot. Then again, things hardly ever went according to plan when it came to this particular Time Lord.

As he entered the scrapyard, he was pleased to see the shape of a man not very far away. Confident that this was the precise person he was looking for, the Doctor began moving forwards as quickly as he could without breaking into any sort of run - he didn't want to draw attention to himself quite yet. He wanted to act as calmly about the matter as possible just to heighten the surprise.

He approached the man, straightening his coat as he walked by. It didn't look like a coat from the sixties, as it wasn't - but the Doctor knew there were always stranger things surrounding him no matter where he went. He just seemed to carry an aura along with himself that showed that he was from somewhere else, that he was alien - and the Doctor adored that.

Nevertheless, he hadn't a clue if the man would know who he was. He was anticipating that it would be a no - the last time the two had met, the Doctor had looked significantly younger and different in general. The man had looked different as well...but the Doctor was positive he'd managed to find the right person.

"Sir, do you need help with anything?" the man called out towards the Doctor. He started moving forwards, trying to be courteous. As he quickened his pace, he made sure to keep one hand on the hat he perched on top of his head - he wanted to keep it on as long as possible.

"Not help, I suppose, but I do need to speak with you. That is, as long as you are the owner of this scrapyard," the Doctor said.

"Why yes, I am," the man replied. "You'll find that most people don't end up in scrapyard unless they need something in particular or they own it..." His speech faded away as he finally looked at the Doctor face to face for the first time. He couldn't believe what he was seeing - it just didn't seem possible.

"Doctor?" the man asked, his eyebrows reaching up so high they could have nearly disappeared underneath the hat perched on his head. "Doctor, is that you?"

"Indeed it is," the Doctor replied, nodding his head. "I'm surprised you recognise me. This is a new face, after all."

"More like a new everything," the man noted. "I didn't recognise any of it, no. I just watched the warning signs. You know that Brook told me about all these sorts of things. I retained it, in the end."

"Well, I'm glad we don't have to deal with all the uncomfortable introduction," the Doctro responded. "It's good to see you again, Foreman."

"It's I.M. Foreman now," the man said, almost immediately regretting what he just said. He hated feeling silly in front of the Doctor - even if she was gone, the Doctor's daughter had once been his wife. He was the Doctor's son in law and that ended up being rather strange.

"Ah, yes, I apologize!" the Doctor said. "I should've known. I.M. Foreman's Scrapyard, of course!"

"Exactly," I.M. Foreman replied. "I heard that Susan chose her name from me..."

"How did you hear that?" He hesitated for a moment. "Brook told me."

"Brook told you?"


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