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"We tried to connect to the TARDIS, but this one trace isn't going to be enough to bring us all the way there," the Doctor said, disappointment tinging his voice though he kept his face as straight and emotionless as a wooden ruler. "Unless we put something else into gear, we're not going to make it to this trace."

Susan seemed to be the most disappointed by this development, far more than either of the men. After all, she'd been the one who poured her energy into making this connection to begin with. Now it was beginning to fall apart right before her eyes, and she had to do something about it. She would make this work.

"I'll figure something out," Susan recommended. "I can connect myself to the TARDIS - she needs a Time Lord's direct touch."

"We're all Time Lords," Foreman said, beginning to sense what she was trying to say. "It might be less dangerous if you let me do something - or the Doctor, if he feels up to it."

"No, I want to do this," Susan said, lifting her nose up. "I was the one who managed to make this connection in the first place, and I have to be the one who ends up finishing it. She'll want me to do it, after all."

"Whatever you say, Susan," the Doctor said, moving closer to the console. He had an inkling of an idea for what he could do to make Susan's apparent plan work out, but he wasn't sure if it would truly end up working. "Just come on and follow me. I know how to connect you to the TARDIS."

"Isn't that rather dangerous?" Foreman asked, ever the anxious parent despite acting as just another Time Lord. "This could end up bringing us somewhere completely wrong."

"I have more faith in Susan than that, Foreman," the Doctor said, sending a quick look over in his direction.

"Oh, no, I didn't mean to say I thought Susan couldn't-" Foreman started to babble.

"There's no need to worry about it, Foreman," Susan said, her face curved upwards in a good-natured smile as always. "I think you've learned by now that I can work this sort of thing out by myself."

The Doctor ended up prying open a part of the TARDIS console, revealing something which appeared to be not unlike honeycomb, glowing as if lit from within. While this impressed Foreman to a great degree, Susan seemed to greet it with recognition. Without even needing guidance from the Doctor, she placed her fingers within the gaps and let the energy course through her.

After the initial shudder of going through such an experience, not much occurred for many minutes. The Doctor and Foreman watched on, and Susan remained silent in order to focus. She wasn't about to let herself get distracted when such an important discovery could be right around the corner.

But then she let out a groan. Then a yelp. Then a shriek. She kept her eyes closed and her hands connected to the TARDIS, but it was clear she could feel pain rippling through her. Nevertheless, the Doctor didn't seem to mind. He just looked somewhat to the side, remaining silent until Foreman rushed over to take his wrist and take him to speak over in the hallway where Susan wouldn't be distracted.

"Doctor, you're pushing her too far. She can't handle this. It's either going to drive her insane, or it's going to drain everything out of her."

"You're overreacting - seems like you've absorbed some of that from the pudding brains down on Earth. Yes, this is certainly bothering her, but you have to realise that she can handle this. I know you don't want to hear this, but I know her significantly better than you do," the Doctor replied.

"I'm aware of that, I'm just trying to look out for her health as her father, certainly you must understand as her grandfather-"

"Foreman, there is one thing you consistently tell me that you understand but it's clear that you do not. I'm going to say it to you as straight out as I can - you are not Susan's father."

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