The Dragon with The Voice of a Bell

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With golden eyes and iris patterns resembling flower petals,

Spikes running in threes down the back into the tail,

The tail had a long flamboyant tuft on a twirling delicate whip,

People wondered what it's for, but it was likely just for show,

For he only used it when his interest had been caught.

He had the head of a snake, but the fangs of a dog only many times sharper.

The scales on his belly were unlike a snake as they were round, many, and small.

The scales on the body to back were large, keeled, and overlapping,

Spines erupt from there with shining green glory.

His favorite food was fish, birds, and whoever dared pull the tuft of his tail.

For who would be so rude as to pull a dragon's tuft?

He lived in a river close to town and often came for silk,

For what reason is whatever reason you'd want silk?

He came in silence and left in silence.

But why did the dragon not speak?

The dragon had the voice of a bell that rang with every word,

People didn't like the voice of a bell for it made it hard to tell the time,

For the dragon with the voice couldn't speak without a gong,

So the dragon with the voice of a bell was a mute,

Or so it was told.

One day a female dragon came into town.

The brilliant sapphire serpent with the wings of a gull,

Fine feathery plumes ran from head to tail.

The head of a crocodile with the fangs of a cat.

The fins of a fish and the tail of an eel.

The legs of a lizard, but many times more,

People wonder why so many, but can never keep up to ask.

For whatever reason, she came for silk, as well,

That is when and how they met.

Both were silent, but the feelings were clear,

The dragon with the voice of a bell fell in love.

But how does a dragon who pretends to be mute confess his love?

He could take her out of town, into the river, to the sky...

Is protecting his secret more valuable than the prospect of her?

So silently he showed her around, his heart heavy with doubt.

She saw the look on his face, of longing, terror, and restraint,

She knew how he felt and turned to him and whispered into his ear,

Her voice was oddly familiar with a soothing chime,

She tells him at the stroke of midnight to come to her,

To come to her and sing the dragons' song of love.

The Dragon with the Voice of a BellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora