chapter 5

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Chapter 5


And why is she smiling? My best friend Ann asked.

Me?! Smile! Am not smiling that's the way my face is.

Hmmmm.....really?!  Okay then.


What's wrong? What?

He....he's.....the words couldn't come out.

Who's he? Speak up!

Alex is here. I whispered.

Really!! Wow! That's amazing.

Amazing you said, I said looking at her with one of my eyebrow raised up and my eyes widely open.

Am not going, I made it clear.

Of course you are, Ann said bring out what i would where.

He called severally but I didn't pick. I didn't like the idea of boys coming to see me.

Blaire its raining...come on not be mean.

I dressed the bed and lay down, so many things were going thorough my mind. Should I go? Should I not?.

It was past eleven when he called, I expected him not to but he did, and he wasn't even mad. He asked if I had anything to eat instead.

You didn't even apologize. Ann said with an angry face.

You know I don't apologize.... I never.

I didn't want Ann to be mad at me so I decided to make up a story.



Hey man, where have you been? My friend asked

I told him everything, he laughed so hard.

Why can you just forget about this girl man. She's just messing with you bro .

But no one could understand. I loved her so much, I didn't really believe in love at first sight neither did I know what was happening to me. I was a mess. I tried getting angry at her but whenever I hear her voice it like a volcano melting an ice

My mom called and I told her everything that happened with Blaire. She advice me. With mom's advice I think everything will go great.


What Claire did to Alex was it right or wrong.

If you where in Alex's shoes what would be your reaction

What step should Alex take next

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 10, 2019 ⏰

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