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Monse looked at her phone for what seemed like the 50th time.

"Ugh! I need a new outfit." Molena sighed as her sister left the room to try something else on

Olivia looked up at the closet from the bed where they were both sitting. "You know what look good with that top? Heels."

She got up from the bed and reached for a shoebox at the top of Monse's closet. Before she could grab it, Molena jumped up and stopped her.

"No not that one!" Olivia drew back her hand in surprise at the older girl's urgency.

"That one-It's...it's not shoes. Just old stuff. Family stuff. But I do think you're right about the heels." She said changing her tone. "I'll text my friend and see if she has an extra pair.

She pretended to text Katorrah(knowing her sister would not put this heels on) while sighing with relief that she wouldn't have to explain the contents of the damned shoebox.

"All right." Monse walked back into the room now wearing a different top and jeans. "Which one should I wear?"

"I think they all looked good on you!" Olivia said

"I like both too. I guess it's your choice Mons." Lena said

"Honestly... I hate both. I feel like I can't win." She huffed and sat on the bed between her friend and sister.

"Then wear what the fuck you want kid. If you wanna do what you makes you comfortable and put on jeans and a hoodie, who cares? If people don't like it, they can suck a butt." Molena bumped her sister's shoulder with her own.

Monse smiled and went to the drawer to pick out a new outfit.

"You're right, thanks Lena." She kissed her sister's cheek and left the room to change.

"Wow." Olivia said "I feel like she values your opinion more than anybody else's. Like she really looks up to you. I wish I had older siblings." She smiled at Molena sadly.

She looked at the younger girl and couldn't help but empathize. She was lucky enough to have two parents that wanted to be in her life, but couldn't because of circumstances out of their control. Molena and Monse had one parent who loved them and one that didn't want anything to do with them.

"Well as long as you're in Freeridge you do. Consider us your extended family."

Olivia wrapped her arm around her and pulled the Lena in for a side embrace.

"Thank you. That means a lot."

* * *
After she dropped the girls off at the dance, instead of going home Molena decided to stop by the Martinez's again. She didn't want to be home alone with her thoughts. When she got there though, she was surprised to see who opened the door.

"Hey Molena, you like Dateline?" Jamal asked as she walked into the house

"I do, but what are you doing here watching it? Shouldn't you be at the dance with everyone else?"

"I mean I would be...but I have a feeling I'm having a way better time here." He sat back on the couch next to Abuelita who was taking a toke from her bowl.

"Y'all smoking? Ooo I'm telling." She jokes as she followed Jamal and sat down on the other side of Ruby's grandma.

The older woman handed the pipe over to Molena so she could take a hit. "Not him. Just me. For my restless leg." She explained

"How is your restless leg?" Jamal asked

"Much better. Thank you." She smiled warmly at him

After a bit, the three of them were glued to the program o the television.

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