Hawaii or mississippi

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Mama!Mama! Where are you? Why aren't you here. I said banging on my door as I only heard yelling and screaming. It seemed like my room was sipping round and round until a flash of light hit me.
Hawaii p.o.v
So it was just a dream.
Mississippi p.o.v
It's dark and cold, where am I? I thought as I had only seen darkness swallow me. "I'm just another shit state it not as if I die no one will care for me." I said in a monotone voice. I turn to lay back down but before I could I felt a tap one my shoulder. I turn to see a distorted version of Alabama.
Raise your hand if you wanna we what happens to Mississippi 🤘🏿put up this emoji for Mississippi and put this emoji 👍🏿 for Hawaii. If any thing other than the two then put this emoji 😒. Also the emojis don't have to be the same skin tone. •3•

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