Ardelia's Family

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Dad: Azar of Ignis

Personality: Azar is pretty reserved, no one really knows anything about him personality wise except that he's the king. Azar is really good with the public, and knows how to give speeches and fake emotion when needed. He was the one who suggested the idea of the Selection to Ardelia, and still holds up to the idea.

Relationship with Ardelia: Azar expects his children to be perfect little royals with no faults. However, Ardelia seems to make that difficult for him. He believes she'll make an excellent ruler, but is afraid her stubborness might get in the way. He prefers Ardelia over Ares, and had always wanted a daughter for an heir rather than son. He loves his children, but doesn't show it, and instead acts like an emotionless glacier around them and his wife.


Mom: Hestia of Ignis

Personality: In a way, Hestia and Ardelia are both extremely alike and different. They both share that Ignis "hot-headness" and ambition, and live purely by the feminism code. However, in difference, while Ardelia is a tomboy by heart, her mom's the exact opposite: she loves the idea of a life filled by jewelry, dresses, and always goes all-out in her fashion sense. Hestia thinks that her opinion is always right; she always speaks her mind, wether it will offend the person she's talking to or not, always has to be the best/greatest at everything she does, and despite being named after the goddess of the home and fire, she's one of the coldest people on the planet, and lacks the motherly affection her children needed. She's cunning, sly, and secretive. There is speculation in the palace of wether Hestia and Azar got married of love, or if she sèduced him into it and got pregnant in the process.

Relationship with Ardelia: Strained. Hestia doesn't think that Ardelia will make a good enough Queen for Ignis, and believes that Ares should be up for the throne instead. She despises every inch of Ardelia, and she makes it known, and thinks that Ardelia's fiery personality can get in front of her judgement, a quality a future queen shouldn't have. Hestia thinks that the Selection will be a huge failure, since Ardelia is nowhere near good wifey material. She keeps trying to persuade her dad to name Ares the heir, but he refuses.


Brother: Ares of Ignis

Personality: Ares is pretty much your cliché bad boy, but is really good at hiding it from his parents. He flirts with pretty much every girl he sees, and uses his royal status to every advantage he can get. He's ambitious, stubborn, sarcastic, and unlike Ardelia, it's pretty hard to put him in a bad mood or to anger him.

Relationship with Ardelia:
There's no other words to describe it better than partners in crime. Even though there's a two year age gap, the two couldn't get along better. When around their parents, Ares acts up to their expectations and is the polite, collected, perfect prince. However, when they're not around, Ares is just like Ardelia; stubborn, determined, knows what he wants and gets it type. The two don't keep anything from each other, and have that make fun of each other sibling relationship. Even though he's the youngest, he's really protective of Ardelia, and doesn't like the idea of the Selection, or in other words, that Ardelia will be talking to another guy that's not him.

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