Chapter 1

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"It will be fine" your best friend says as she walks back into the room with some ice cream. "But I loved him" you say through sobs. "If Taehyung broke up with you then he must not know how pretty you are, he's not worth it." She says trying to make you feel better.(your best friends name is April btw) "your right" you say wiping your tears and taking a bite of ice cream."Now let's get some sleep Y/N we have school in the morning."April says going to her sleeping bag on the floor. "Ok"

Next morning

"GIRLS WAKE UP" your mom shouts from the other room" BREAKFAST IS ALMOST READY". You both get up and get dressed and do your make up then walk to the kitchen table. "Hi oppa" you say as you see Jimin getting a drink. "Hey Lil sis, hey April" he says sitting down next to you. Your mom then serves the food."Y/N do you want me to drive you and April to school?" Jimin says getting his keys. "Um, sure." "Race you there April" you say starting to run to Jimin's car. "HEY NOT FAIR" she yells running after you. Jimin chuckles at how cute you both are.

Time skip to school

You and April get out of the car and go to your first class.

Time skip to lunch (I'm just so lazy)

You are April sit down at a table with some food then your other 2 friends come and sit down with you. "Hey Jennie and Rose" you and April say at the same time. "Hey Y/N and April" they say at the same time. Then you feel something drip on your head and you already know who it is. You stand up and turn around "really Jungkook?" You say pissed. "Aww is my Lil baby mad?" He smirks after saying. "UGH" you say then run to the bathroom with your friends behind.

I'm sorry it's so short I was just really busy but I will try to make the future chapters longer


My Bully ~Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now