Chapter 3 The noise

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Shortly after jungkook falls asleep youstart to do the same but you feel a cold breese hit u and you gasp quietly. You start to shiver because the room is so cold and you are in a t-shirt and shorts. You sit up and hug your knees resting you chin on them. "Cold?" Jungkook says noticing you shivering. "Oh... I didn't notice you were up." You say trying to change the subject. "Ya. Do you want my jacket to keep you warm?" He asks sweetly. "N-no that's ok" you say not wanting to seem weird. "No your obviously cold" he says taking off his jacket and putting it around you. "T-T hanks" you say feeling warmer now "but won't y-you get cold." "Na, I'll be fine." He says proudly.
You slowly start to fall asleep after being warm.

You wake up hearing a noise and as soon as you are fully awake you realize, someone is singing. You listen to the singing for a while. "I didn't know you could sing" you say making jungkook stop and blush because he thought no one was listening. "O-oh, did y-you have a nice nap?" He was not wanting to talk about it. Silence fills the room. "Hey, do you know what time it is?"you ask because it feels like you have been on there forever. "I would say it's around 4 o clock" he says guessing. "Oh no my mom's going to kill me!!!!!" You say "UGH I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!!!" You yell with so much rage at jungkook "THIS ONLY HAPPENED BECAUSE OF YOU. YOUR-YOUR..." so stop running out of this to say. "Slow down there princess" he say trying to calm you down. "I'm not a princess" you mumble crossing your arms and madly pout. "I didn't get you into this, you're friends did, ok princess?" Jungkook says calmly. "Ya..." you say sitting down calmer now., but little did you know your friend are watching the whole think. Late at night when you both fell asleep they cam and unlocked the door.


Jungkook woke up before you. "Y/n" he whispers softly. "Hmmm" you hum swaying your hand lightly. "Wake up we are free, it's the next day. School is about to start." He says shaking you a little. "WAIT WHAT!?!?" you scream. Jungkook runs out of the room before the anger goes out on him.


You were siting down with your friends when, someone puts a milkshake in front of your face. You turn around seeing jungkook. You glaser st him before taking it. "Now leave you rat" you say shooing your hand. "Bye princess" he says, winks then leaves. "What's that all about?" Jennie asks in a flirty voice. "It's nothing" you say calmly. "Then who's jacket is that?" April asks. You blush realizing you still had jungkooks jacket. "Why didn't he ask for it back?" You wonder in your mind. "I- it's... Jimin's" you say smiling a fake smile.

Very unedited I'm sorry it took me so long to post I took a break from wattpad I will try to post alot more
I purple you

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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