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"Push your body Jules!" Catherine shouted from the car.

I internally groaned and locked the door to my house. "Gimme a break Cat!"

Hoisting my bag pack over my shoulder, I made my way over to the car only to be stopped by my neighbour's dog.

"Hey Ruffles!" I bent down and patted his head. Chuckling, I lifted him up and carried him back to his kennel. Ruffles was a small dog and had golden brown hair. He was a beautiful dog, no doubt about that.

"Ew! You got dog fur all over my seat!"

"How many times do I have to tell you dogs don't have fur! They're hair for crying out loud!"

"Next time, I'm going to tie you on the car roof or putting you in the trunk."

I snorted and rummaged through my bag to make sure I did my Math homework.

"God Jules, can't you just enjoy the ride without being a nerd for like five minutes?"

"Hey! What kind of nerd would I be if I don't check for my homework?"

She chuckled and turned the radio on.

🎵 Same lips red, same eyes blue
      Same white shirt, couple more tattoos 🎵

Recognition lit up in me when I realised what song was playing.

🎵 But it's not you and it's not me
      Tastes so sweet, looks so real 🎵

I grinned like a Cheshire cat and Catherine watched me in horror.

🎵 Sounds like something that I used to feel
      But I can't touch what I see 🎵

"Fucking don't do it Jules!" She desperately tried to switch the channel but too late because I started to shout on top of my lungs.

"We're not who we used to be!"

"Oh god make it stop!"

"We're not who we used to be! We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me." I laughed like a manic when I saw her face contorted in a pained expression.

"You okay there Cat?"

"I'm great, thanks for asking and while you're at it maybe you can kill the singing banshee in my passenger seat."

I laughed as we pulled up at school.

"Yo Jules! Cat! Wassup!" Max ran up to us. Max is a football jock but this wasn't some cliché story where the jocks are tools. That only happens in books. Here at  Calico High, the jocks were actually quite fun to be around. Max is a brunette and obviously packed some muscles. He's a Caucasian and quite temperamental.

"Jules horrible screams she calls singing." Cat scoffed fixing her hair which Max just ruffled. "No offence." She added.

"None taken." I waved off.

"So you girls going to the Halloween party tonight?"

"And see desperate girls throw themselves at you? No thanks." Cat said interlinking our arms.

"You know you want me." He winked and we laughed.

"Yeah. I would want an attention seeking manwhore."

He feigned hurt and wiped an imaginary tear away. "I can't believe you think of me like that. I prefer the term along the lines like a ravishing player."

"Whatever floats your boat."

"No seriously though, I heard that there's gonna be a horror house. Ain't that awesome?"

"Max, you think everything's awesome." I stated.

"But it's a tradition! You can't not go."

We headed straight to our lockers where Derick and Cameron was waiting for us. Cameron Callisto was taller than all of us and he had Sandy blonde hair. He's also the guy we go to when our laptops decides to play stupid. Yeah, he was the technology geek.

Then there's Derick. Derick Steele. He's the captain of the football team and there's just something about him that I find mesmerizing. No it wasn't his golden brown eyes but it was something more than that which I couldn't place my finger on.

"Cam! Der! Dude!" They did some weird handshake and a hug.

"I heard you got it down and dirty with Lana last night." Derick smirked.

Max bowed and said a few 'thank you'. However, Cameron, being the overly dramatic ass he is, got down on his knees and bowed down as he said, "You're a god!"

Cat and I watched each other. "Fucking boys."

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