I dont wanna die an artist

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I don't wanna die in art
I guess this is my last shot Im not giving up my blood

Im still breathing in the clouds

I just wanna paint my soul into pieces

I don't wanna die in 20 roses and get trapped

We always have that weird brother in the backyard

I'm running away from the rain

Its drawing my breaking point

Its erasing me like Mona Lisa last pose

It's scrapping me

It's tearing into pieces

It's scratching me with red marks

Do I look useless?

Or am I worthless?

Do I have a chance?

Can I dance this off?

Nobody knows whats the real romance when they die as an artist

sweet but terrible.

endings are sad

can i die happily ever after?

if i take pills will art color away my pain?

can i act as if this was just nothing?

why does people think im overreacting

i dont wanna die as an actor in a sad movie

plot twists, climax, endings i wish i was just a storymaker so that i can write a perfect life

i wanna turn off the tv and sleep

can i be the next snow white?

and rather have the poison kiss

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