"Stitching up my smiles"

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there's no more forcing smiles
so I'll stitch my innocent smiles
but there will be tears
in a sad face
so i drink up the pills
that will make me perfect
and i suck up all the syringe needles
that will make me look attractive
they call me a monster cause of how i end up
looking like
the girl i used to be
changed into a monster
i ruined the face that my mom cried for when i was born
i made a total mistake
so here i am stitching up my smiles
though these stitches still make me regret
the face that i wanted to be
ended up a painful regret
in silence i cry
i look hopeless
and me living is pointless
i swear i tried to be perfect for a boy that i like
but he laughed at me
and once again i kept stitching every flaws in me
so that i don't regret lying to myself again

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