author note

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please save reading this fanfiction until you've finished the Age of Resistance series (unless you don't mind spoilers.)


I'm a huge fan of Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal, and with the release of the new material for Age of Resistance, I have been compelled to write for this thoroughly rich, immersive and beautiful fantasy world.

Initially I was inspired by the singular image of The Heretic, a skeksis who appears to be unlike what we've come to understand of the villains in the intricately crafted, thoroughly expansive lore. I instantly wanted to explore this -- how a skeksis became The Heretic, so different from what we know of the infamous, fabulous antagonists of Thra. And so, after watching the magnificence that was Age of Resistance, I've decided to write a story of how The Conqueror came to be known as The Heretic and the events that spurred this change in him forever.

I hope I can do this fantastical, beautiful, overwhelming world any justice at all. I hope you enjoy.

suggested ambience:

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