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On Saturday morning, Asher woke up to Lauren trying to get Johnny out of bed for EggMcmuffins. "Lauren! I just want to sleep!" Johnny protested to his sister. "Well I'm telling you... THAT THERE'S FOOD!" She answered. Asher rolled over and decided that he wasn't going to able to go back to sleep. He got up and picked his clothes and then headed to the bathroom to get dressed.
After breakfast, Hayley suggested they go back to the South Beach. The mom debated to stay and chat, so they let the kids go off on their own. "Just don't end up invading anyone's house." Katie told them. "How many times do we have to tell you? We never went inside Diana's house until she invited us." Hayley reminded her mom.
When they got to the beach, they all had to struggle to climb over the railing again, and then jump down onto the sand. "I bet I could have swam this distance." Johnny said as he motioned between the dock and the dock attached to the island right across the water. Kenzie rolled her eyes. "No." She emphasized her opinion and concern. Johnny let it drop, but walked closer to the water. "What if I waded in and just got up from the dock?" He asked. "There's no ladder." Lauren informed him. "I can pull myself up." He said. Lauren laughed. "There's no way you've got half the upper body strength to do that." She teased. "I can do it!" He protested. "Can not." Lauren insisted. "Lauren just leave him, you're only encouraging him." Kenzie warned. "Since when did you become his mom?" She asked. Kenzie scoffed. "I did not." Lauren gave her a look. "You are a little... overprotective." Hayley told her. Kenzie crossed her arms and cringed as Johnny walked deeper into the water. When he got up to his neck, he dove in, head first. He stayed under for a few moments. And just when Kenzie was about to lose it, he resurfaced right by the edge of the dock. Kenzie ran as close to the water as she could without getting wet, and called out to him. He seemed to gasping for air. The water was really cold. He couldn't seem to get himself up on the dock, and there was no way he could swim back to shore. Kenzie started to climb back up and onto the ramp, Asher started to follow her. The ran down the ramp as fast as they could. When they got to him, he had goosebumps down all his arms and his lips her turning blue. Asher held out her arms and tried to position himself so that Johnny wouldn't pull him in. He told Johnny to place his feet on the edge of the dock and try to stand up for just long enough for Asher to hold him up so he could step into the dock. "On 3." Asher ordered. "1,2,3!" Johnny tried to stand and Asher pulled backwards as hard as he could. Johnny finally stepped into the dock and let go of Asher, who was sent flying backwards. He landed in his back. "Ow." He groaned. Annie, Hayley and Lauren rushers up to them. "Are you okay?" Annie asked. Asher nodded. "And You! I told you not to do that!" Kenzie complained to Johnny. Lauren looked at her, and Kenzie made herself relax.
"Hey guys, do you hear that?" Hayley asked. Everyone went quiet, and then they heard some voices. "It sounds like its coming from over there." Kenzie observed as she pointed to a cabin they could faintly see through the trees. They saw the outline of a person walk past the window. "People!" Hayley exclaimed. "Yes, Hayley. People." Annie teased. "We should go talk to them? Maybe they know why there's no stairs down to the beach." Hayley suggested. "No, no, no. Mom's going to get so mad if we end up in a another mystery." Annie reminded her. "It's not a mystery, it's just a question." Hayley protested. "That's how they all started." Asher said. "Maybe they'll be at the party tonight." Kenzie said. Hayley sighed. "Fiiiinnne. Let's go then. I'm hungry." Lauren smiled. "We just had breakfast." Johnny said. "And your point is?" Lauren asked. Johnny just shook his head and followed them up the ramp and back to the cabin.

New Explorers - 3rd book in "The Island" seriesWhere stories live. Discover now