Chapter One

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One Miracle

Chapter One

"Dean... We couldn't have done anything to save her."

"Couldn't we?! She was right there Sam! Right in front of us!"

Sam stared at his fuming brother helplessly, his mouth opening and closing, agape with no words coming out.

"Forget this, I'm going out!" Grabbing his keys and wallet, Dean stormed out of the hotel room, slamming the flimsy door behind him. The sound of the Impala's engine fading away was more than enough to let the younger Winchester know that Dean was heading to a bar, going to drown his sorrows and anguish in alcohol.

Sighing, Sam sat back onto the hotel bed. His mind replayed the awful hunt over and over again in his head, making him cringe silently at the events that transpired.

"Hey kiddo, where's Dean-O?" said a sudden voice within the hotel room.

Sighing again, Sam sat up and glared at the archangel. "What do you want, Gabriel?" Sam retorted in an annoyed voice to the trickster that had appeared just feet away from him.

Gabe shrugged and sat down next to him, snapping his fingers, and tearing into the chocolate bar that appeared. "Bored, wanting to create some havoc and mayhem. Was gonna mess with Dean, but he's a no-show right now." Gabe replied in a rather placid tone, though hinted with eagerness.

"Yeah, he isn't going to be back anytime soon..." Sam huffed bitterly, a forlorn look of frustration plastered upon his face. Rubbing his temples, he heaved himself off the bed and trudged over to his laptop, hoping to find any leads to their case.

"Something the matter?" Gabe questioned, tilting his head slightly out of curiosity. The archangel couldn't help but be concerned. After all, Sam was his favorite human to pester, he had to make sure he was the only thing of annoyance to Sam.

"Just another failed hunt, nothing important." Sam replied, eyes glued to the laptop screen as he typed and reviewed the information they had already gathered.

Rolling his eyes, Gabe got up and walked over to Sam, ready to try and drag and pry the information and truth from the Winchester. "Alright, what's really going on?"

"It's nothing, really."


"Why do you care?" Sam nearly snapped at him, leaving the archangel in a bit of a surprise. Gabe stared at Sam for a few seconds before answering again. "I don't know, Cas made me promise that I would try to get along with at least one of you guys." he shrugged.

Sam looked up from his laptop to Gabe now, having concerns and questions for Gabriel that had set upon his mind. "Speaking of that, where is Castiel? We tried calling him, but he never came."

"I dunno." Gabe said matter-of-factly and started on his next candy bar. He bit a chunk out of the sweet, munching slowly as his thoughts simmered. "So, you gonna tell me what really happened?" he pestered again. This earned him another sigh of annoyance from Sam, who seemed to finally have cracked, and decided to tell.

"It was just another failed hunt. We were after a demon and she took a young girl hostage. We couldn't find any way to save her, and the demon killed her before we even had time to. Now we have to track her down again, and this time she'll know we're looking for her." Dropping his head in his hands, he groaned and closed his eyes. "...and Dean got really upset about it. He was dead-set on rescuing her. Now he's at some bar, drowning his sorrows and leaving me to pick up the next lead."

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