What is it you wanna talk about?

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A while after the fight and their classes, Blake pulled star aside. "May I ask my question?" Star wasn't sure why but she replied "Yes." Blake looked down afraid to ask. "Why are you afraid when people yell?" Star turned confused. "I get scared because ever since I was 4 my parents have always fought. He would hit her, scream at her, threaten her. I've always been frightened of fights." Blake felt really terrible for asking but grabbed her Gently and hugged her. She hugged him back as a tear fell from her face. "Blake please don't tell anyone ever!" He looked into her eyes "I won't." Star couldn't believe she told him this, normally she wouldn't have said a word, it was just something about his Warm personality that she couldn't resist. He looked at her and asked, "May I take you home today?" Star was amazed by this question and replied "yes"

(Sorry it was short!)

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