The murder of who?

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The cops had looked up to see Star standing there with her arms crossed. They all looked at each other. "Who are you, young lady? Are you related to this man?" Star looked at her father who was laying on the floor being handcuffed. "I am Star Waterfall, I am his daughter." She looked back at her father. "The murder of who may I ask again?" The cops looked at her. "I believe your mother." Star went blank. "M-My mother?!" The cops finished handcuffing her father. "Do you have someone you can stay with ma'am a friend? Relative?" Star thought about it. "No I don't sir.." The cop looked at her blankly. "Will you be ok here for tonight?" Star looked around at the mess. "Yes I will, in fact I might even be able to clean this place." The cop looked at her and walked off with her father. Star fell to her knees and started to cry. "Why did this happen to me?" She heard a tiny knock on the back door. She wiped her tears and carefully stepped over pieces of glass. She reached the door to see a Kitten at the door trying to get in. The kitten was all black with a tiny white on its nose you could see that it was starving. Star carefully went to the fridge and grabbed some milk, she carefully opened up the door and placed it for the kitten. At first it looked at her confused but then started licking the milk. Star watched the kitten. All of the sudden the kitten jumped up on stars lap and fell asleep. At that moment someone messaged her.

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