Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Feels like waking up.


He was hugging me. Liam was hugging me.

"We were worried about you" Liam said. I was in a state of shock, my crush hugged me, and it felt amazing.

"Harry?.. Harry!" Someone screamed and I got out of my daydream. I secretly hoped it was Liam, but it was not. "Harry we were worried about you.." Jason said. I looked down, too ashamed to even look at him. But lost in my thoughts I felt someone tap me in the shoulder so I turned around.

It was him.

"Hey.. we really got worried you know?. Especially Jason he said Molly was going to kill him, if you didn't appear.." Liam said with a small chuckle. I smiled and stared at him, because well.. I couldn't respond even if I wanted to. "Harry!" Jason called me. I walked towards him, not remembering about Liam being just a small centimeters behind me.

"Hey Harold!" I heard him call me. I turned around and he walked towards me slowly and kissed my cheek. My head was spinning I felt as if Cupid had fleshed me more than one time. He walked away with a smirk on his face, and all I could do was watch him leave. "Harry" Jason called me.

I looked at him and noticed he had Evan on him arms and Molly was standing besides him, with a look of worry on her face. "Oh baby.. are you alright??" She asked, and I nodded.

"Thank god, well let's go home it's been a long day for us" she said and wrapped her arm around me. All the way home I thought about Liam. The way he looked at me and then kissed my cheek softly. That moment made me believe I had a chance. A chance to be with him. To love him.

We arrived home and all I wanted to do was sleep, yes I was tired but I was secretly hoping Liam would be in my dream. I laid down and stared at my window, dreaming Liam would appear and sneak into my room, laid down with me and hugged me close and tight. And that way I fell asleep with a picture of him in my mind.

But well.. not all dreams come true, but I'm hoping this one does.



I woke up, hearing Molly and Jason talking. I don't know what about, but it seemed important. I didn't mind, nor took an interest on it. Until I heard my name.

I started walking closer to the kitchen were I supposed they were.

"Molly, he needs to learn , might as well spend his time In something productive , he can be a great collector if he wants to." Jason said, and I was a bit confused, did he wanted me to go out there again?

"No Jason! You saw what happened yesterday, I can't let him go around like that again." Molly screamed.

"Ok, ok... Well if he isn't going to be a collector well, he'll have to be on the women's side, cause I don't know what more he can do." Jason replied, and I was a bit disappointed, I mean Jason thought I was weak.

"Here's the thing Jason! You are going to make my baby a great guy, and you're going to find him something to do, like the boy he is! ok?" Molly said. Well now I know who is the men in this relationship. I got back to my room and changed in to something proper for the event, I guess I'll be training today.

I made my way to the kitchen again, but only saw Molly cooking breakfast,
I guess Jason must have gone change or something like that. I taped Molly's shoulder and once she turned around I smiled. "Good morning dear!" she said, and I smiled again, Molly was such a nice person.

"Harry, you're going training today, I know it's too soon to be doing that again but you need to learn how to protect yourself" she told me, and I just nodded. Then Jason walked into the kitchen.

"So Molly did you already told him?" he said, and Molly nodded. Jason did to and told me it was time to go, I was a bit nervous tough, I didn't know how I was going to make it

We arrived to the training camp, and everyone was already there. Including Liam and his friends. I stared at him and noticed that Louis was holding his hand, I felt a pang of jealousy running trough my body, it was horrible.

My dream was slowly going away. I felt as waking up.


Hi!! Judith here again:) I'm sorry it's short again but I will try and make it better I promise! Thanks for reading:)



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