Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: The rainbow after the storm.



Black. All I saw was black. My body felt destroyed, I was sad, angry, nervous and unhappy.

Evan was all I had left. Sure I had Molly and Jason, but they were not genetically part of my body, they didn't have my blood. But Evan did. He did. He was my family.

I woke up around 3 o'clock. they told me I fainted when I heard the news. I also was alone. But I was happy to know Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn stayed. Molly kept crying all the time, and Jason tried to not show weakness.

Although many people were around me, I felt alone. And believe me it was the worst feeling in the world.

No one know how such a protected kid would disappear in a matter of seconds. Or where he could be. Its weird really, when Molly took care of Evan, my brother would be ok, by the end of the day. But then Jason with a bunch of soldiers take care of him, and the kid suddenly disappears!




2 days. He's been gone for two days. And I feel even worse.

I found out Niall it's a great friend, he's always with me. I honestly would prefer Liam but Niall is good, he treats me better than Liam ever does. That upsets me, but Niall's my first friend and I wouldn't want him to go.

I believe Evan will appear. He is a strong boy, he will survive.

Yesterday I stayed with Molly all day, i didn't want to stay alone, it was quite hard to live here without Evan. Niall stayed with me too. He said he didn't want me to stay alone.

And well today I'm hanging out with Niall again, Molly told me I should get my mind off things. We're going to swim. The lake is the only place we can go now, seeing that Evan got lost in the forrest we aren't able to go there now.

So I guess these past days have been... Not so bad.



Hello! I'm sorry for not writing yesterday, it's just that Jason and other guys told me they're close to finding Evan, said they found his little coat. I'm better now I guess. I came to the conclusion that this type of things, happen in the most unexpected times. And they don't happen like you want them to, I realized the rainbow comes after the storm.

And well... Liam talked to me today, he told me he was happy too, because that were close to finding Evan. His father Geoff, it's one of the guys that are helping Jason find my little brother. And he also game a kiss... on the cheek. But it was a kiss. And I felt great.

The rainbow it's getting closer I know.



I was searching for photos in one of my memory boxes yesterday. I didn't found the picture I wanted but I found another thing. It was an old book, I remember my dad giving it to me when I was younger. It was written by J.R.R. Tolkien. I read it for a couple of hours, and one of the quotes there caught my eye.

It said: Darkness must pass, A new day will come, And when the sun shines, It will shine out the clearest.

But it's this is not the reason I'm writing right now. Im here because the storm ended and my rainbow arrived.

They found him.


Hello! I finally updated:) I'm sorry for not updating in like 2 or 3 weeks! I'm really sorry! Tomorrow I'll update again or maybe latter this night:)!



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