Chapter One

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If you didn't read the description to the end then let me start by saying this story was a team effort! KillerPoultry helped write this and you should go check them out! Please and thank you! 

The ocean breeze carried that fresh beach smell across the waves. The sun was in the middle of the sky and not a cloud in sight. The city was alive and happy smiles crossed the people's faces.

A few seagulls flew overhead the pier and a few others landed by a bench. Sitting on the bench was an eccentric young woman. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair was slightly being picked up from the gentle wind. Underneath dark sunglasses, her (e/c) eyes pierced through the crowd and scanned over the people.

Her (f/c) tank top was covered by her unzipped leather jacket. Yas, it was a little hot but she did not like showing her tattoed arms around in public. Mainly since those tattoos marked her a just a piece of property.

She has no choice in her lifestyle, but that is a story for a later date. Don't worry, you will hear it soon.

Her jeans wrapped around her legs and were tucked into her military-grade boots. A few people stared but she was used to it. After all, she is wearing a quite strange accessory. She wore a black leather dog muzzle. However, it was not for dogs, as her boss made her wear it. Within the muzzle is a radio so she can quietly talk to her boss and no one will know she is talking.

She has the ability to turn it off. It is a simple switch on the base of the muzzle. She often has it on in case her boss needs to tell her something. Though her boss is not that bad, as he has programmed a high tech computer system into the muzzle. She can ask any questions, such as directions, the weather, to call someone, and the computer will answer her. There is also a tracker in the muzzle.

"(c/n), what time is it?" (y/n) quietly spoke. "4: 46 p.m." (c/n) replied. "Great, any minute now," (y/n) continued to search along with the crowds for her target. Her eyes landed on a tall skinny man. His cargo pants and tan polo shirt made him stand out to her like a waterfall in a desert. His shaggy brown hair fell slightly over his face as he looked down at his phone.

(Y/n) stood and began slowly walking towards him. She no longer cared about being in public and doing her tasks but her boss did. She is supposed to make it look like an accident. The pier was tall and he stood on the railing over the beach. Perfect.

She saw a large group of people walking by, also perfect. She timed it flawlessly. As the large group of people walked by she body-slammed the guy with such power and such subtlety that no one thought it was her, who pushed him over the railing.

He screamed as he fell to his death. Others yelled and shouted around, calling for help as he laid lifelessly on the beach.

(Y/n) smirked under her muzzle at her job well done. She backed away and quietly made her way to the parking lot. No one noticed. She reached up to her muzzle as she neared her black 1970 Chevelle ss 454. Two white stripes ran down the car from front to end.

(Y/n) flipped the switch and her boss's voice echoed in her ears. "Did you finish it?" His tone was harsh but eager. "Yas," She replied in a monotone voice. "Well done. Get some rest now, you need it," He spoke in a much calmer tone now.

"Yas sir," and with that, she flipped the switch to silence the call. She took off her leather jacket after she opened her car door. She threw the jacket into the passenger seat and climbed into the car. Her detailed tattoos were very apparent now.

On each arm was an identical Chinese dragon crawling towards her neck. On the inside of her left wrist was a bar code, on the right was a number, 4937. Those marked her as property. Property of a very dangerous group of men.

The cops even formed an alliance with them because they were so scared of them. The Masked Phonix. Ruled by a heartless man who's only desire is to take the city under his control. He has men constantly after the governor and the other high ranking people.

As far as (y/n) knows, she is the only female killer. Raised by the boss himself. He used to see her as a daughter when she was young. But now he sees her as a tool. A weapon. She doesn't care anymore, at least that's what she tells herself.

Your POV

I sat in my car and cranked up the AC. I turned on the radio and my favorite song started playing. I glanced out the window at the crowd around the railing. Another job well done.

"Incoming call from Sho," (c/n) spoke up. I rolled my eyes, "Alright, answer it." I waited for a few seconds. "You done with that job yet?" His heavy Asian accent filled my ears. "Yeah dude what do you need?" I replied. "Wanna hang out or someting?" Sho questioned excitedly. "How could I say no? Where are we meeting?" I perked up.

"I'll wait in garage, you pick me up and we drive around?" Sho made his accent even heavier. I laughed at his stupidity and drove out onto the road. The drive is about 10 or so minutes with traffic.

A majority of us live together in a big apartment building. Boss bought the whole thing and now his employees live here. I live on the 19th floor. Floors 15-25 are for the killers. Floor 14 has our gym, arsenal, and other important rooms. The top floor is the penthouse which belongs to Boss. He doesn't let anyone up there.

Sho is my neighbor and my only friend. Well, besides my dog. My dog outranks anyone since he is pretty much my only 'family'.

I arrived at the apartment. I drove up to the gate and waited for the guard to check me in. Henry, the usual guard, was gone. A new one stood at the ready. He walked up to my window but hesitated when he saw my muzzle. I rolled down my window. "Rookie I assume," I huffed and showed him my bar code. He got the little scanner thing and ran it over my bar code.

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