Chapter Two

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It beeped and he looked down at it. He nodded in approval and walked back to the gates. He lifted his fingers up to his ear and said something. The gates opened and I slowly pulled into the parking garage that sat beneath our apartment.

I parked in my spot and looked around. No Sho. "(C/n), call Sho," I huffed. I heard it ring once before he picked up. "Chill chill, we have to get our leave approved by our new manager!" Sho shouted. "You do realize I can hear you perfectly fine when you talk normally, right? Also, what is all this new security bullshit? Where is Henry?" I questioned. "Come up to my place and I will explain," Sho hung up on me. I snarled at his action because usually, I get the satisfaction of hanging up on him.

I turned off my car and grabbed my jacket. I carried it in one hand as I closed my car door and locked it. My boots echoed in the empty halls. I made my way to the elevator and hoped in. It took me up to the 19th floor.

I stepped out into the long hallway. I marched up to room 267 and knocked vigorously. Sho was quick to answer. His black hair was gelled and slicked back giving it a greasy look. His white shirt was stained with blood and his jeans were ripped. His facial features had 'Asain' written all over him and his dark-colored eyes only made him stand out. He is one badass killer though.

"What's up girl!" He smiled. I rolled my eyes and stepped into his apartment. "So tell about all this new stuff," I walked over to his couch and plopped down. "So I finished killing this guy right. And I come back to see new security. I was like 'oh ok, Henry got promoted'. After I got in, I went up to my apartment to feed Lil Sho," He started.

"That is still a stupid name for your bird," I interrupted. "Shush I telling a story. Anyway, as I get in the elevator, I see this new guy. We talk and he introduces himself as the new manager for floors 15-20. I was like 'yo I live on floor 19!' and he was 'oh cool'! And we talked some more. Anyway, he gave me a new handbook and said that he would call a meeting with us and he slid us some new rules under our doors," Sho grabbed a bunch of papers off the coffee table.

"I tell him that I was planning to go out and explore and he was like, I have to approve that first. So I was like, ok. Anyway, he is approving the request now. I will get a call when it is approved," Sho finally finished his story.

"Ok, first, we need to get you some English classes. Secondly, I want to see these rules for myself," I stood up from the couch and walked out of his apartment. He quickly followed and we walked to my apartment, 268.

I opened the door but saw no mail or papers. I looked back to Sho quizzically. The door next to mine, 269, opened revealing a very confused looking Mike. "Dude, what's with these new rules?" Mike had a handful of papers. Mike is the stereotypical bodybuilder. He is all muscle and almost never wears a shirt. His light brown hair was spiked up and the tips were dyed blonde. His tight shorts show way to much but he never acknowledges it and neither do we.

"Why didn't I get any new rules?" I looked between Mike and Sho. "I don't know," Mike shrugged. "(C/n), call Boss," I spoke up. Both of them became quiet and seemed to lean in a little. Very rarely do they talk to the head guy, but me, I talk to him every day.

He picked up relatively quickly. "Yas?" His voice always sent shivers down my spine. "So like, everyone around me got a new set of rules, but I didn't. Do I still get my missions from Rick?" I asked. "No, you will get everything directly from me. You don't take any orders other than mine. Understood?" His voice was dark and a bit scary. "Yas sir," I nodded to myself.

"Um, could I hang out with Sho around the city?" I questioned, afraid of the answer. It was silent for a minute. "Is Sho one of my men?" He inquired. "Yeah he is my neighbor," I replied. "Fine, go ahead," He hung up.

"Apparently I answer and take orders only to him," I looked back to Sho. "Well, did he say yas to us hanging out?" Sho titled his head. "Yeah, but I would change before we head out," I gestured towards his bloody clothes. "Well I'll see you guys later, I'm going to the gym," Mike huffed.

Sho left to change and I waited in his living room. His red Eclectus parrot sat on the couch arm and continuously poked my leg with his beak. "What do you want Lil Sho?" I asked in annoyance.

All I got in reply was him cawing. "Sho! Hurry up! Your bird is annoying!" I shouted. "Chill!" Sho came jogging back out. "Lil Sho, let's go, my dude," Sho patted his shoulder. He was wearing a black shirt with clean unripped jeans. Lil Sho flew from the couch to Sho's shoulder.

"You are bringing the bird?" I lifted an eyebrow as I stood. "Hell yeah dude, Lil Sho makes for a great wingman!" Sho cheered and began walking to the door. "I got the call, by the way, we are all good to go," Sho glanced back at me.


We decided not to drive and to just walk around. I had put on a regular black jacket and I put the hood up too.

We walked down the busy streets as the sun continued to shine brightly in the sky. "Awww! What a cute bird!" A girl squealed. I rolled my eyes as Sho stopped to let the girl pet Lil Sho. I glanced around and saw a group of guys further down the path. They seemed to stare very intently at me. I'm used to it, not a lot of people have muzzles.

I turned my attention back to Sho. "You go ahead, I'll catch up," Sho smiled at me while the girl pet Lil Sho. I shrugged and continued walking down the sidewalk. I turned down an alley to cut over to the next street. I watched the ground as I walked through the garbage-filled path.

I turned out onto the street only to run right into someone. We both fell backward and hit the pavement. "I am so sorry!" The guy quickly apologized.

I looked up at him with a glare though they couldn't see it. He was wearing a red jacket that had two white stripes on each sleeve. He had a white tank top and black jeans. Sunglasses rested over his eyes and his raven black hair was spiked up and centered.

He had two friends with him. One had a light blue jacket and tight black pants. What caught me off guard was that he was wearing a hockey mask.

The other was much taller than the other two. He had dirty blonde hair that was swept up in a quiff. He had a white shirt with a pink cat. The cat also had a top hat. His pants had a black and white animal pattern to it.

His friends helped him up while I scrambled to my feet and dusted myself off. "Don't worry about," I mumbled. "You're bleeding," The hockey mask guy pointed at one of my hands. I looked down and saw there was a large gash through it. I looked at the place I fell and saw a broken bottle.

How did I not notice this gash in my hand when I fell? Talk about adrenaline rushes.

"We can help," The red jacket stepped closer. "No it's fine," I put my hand back down by my side. "That is not fine, please, it's the least I could do," The red jacket guy pleaded. "I don't have a choice here, do I?" I looked between the three.

"Nope," The hockey mask guy popped the 'p'. "Come on. There is a drug store just down the street we can get that all wrapped up," The red jacket guy lightly put his hand on my back and gently pulled me along.

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