My Chemical Romance - Mikey Way

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Type: Fluff
Warnings: None

Y/N's Journal

There's only one thing keeping me stable through this school year, or should I say...person. Michael James Way. Mikey. My best friend. My everything.

Everyday he's always there asking me if I'm ok, of which no one else ever does. He cares about me and I care about him...a lot. He's everything to me and here I am on a Friday afternoon writing about him in this secret journal I keep under my pillow. He's probably in his brother's basement playing D&D having a great time right now which really puts a smile on my face.

Anyway, all I really talk about is my crush on Mikey in here. I should get some originality.

Peace out, Y/N


I shut my journal and shove it under my pillow sighing. I pull off my grey hoodie revealing my Misfits shirt underneath.

My sweatpants rustle against my thighs as I get up to change my Green Day CD to a Nirvana one. I wish Mikey was here so we could goof around in my room pissing off my parents who would hear loud thudding from the living room which is just below my bedroom.

My thoughts get destroyed when I hear a knock at my front door. I run up to my window and see Mikey's brother wave from his beaten up car. My heart flutters as I sprint down the stairs and open my door.

"Mikey!" I squeal, hugging him tight. He tenses up but then eventually hugs me back sweetly.

"I saw you like four hours ago, you're acting like you haven't seen me in a week," He giggles.

"Four hours is a long time when you have nothing to do." I say crossing my arms.

"I'll take your word for it."

I invite him in and drag him upstairs, his long legs skipping every other step.

My Nirvana album is still playing when I open my bedroom door which makes Mikey's face light up immediately.

"Hey don't sit down we gotta dance!" He says grabbing me by the waist and pulling me over to the only part of my room that is clear.

I blush while his hands are still on my waist as we dance. This boy is going to kill me.

"Y'know Y/N, I didn't come over to your house randomly just to dance," Mikey starts.

"Hm?" I mumble cocking my head.

"Well, I-" He breathes in slowly."I'm in love with you...and I have been ever since you first sat next to me in 5th grade." He says bringing his gaze to my eyes. My stomach does a backflip and I swallow hard.

"Mikey I-"

"Yes I know, you don't feel the same you can say it." He goes to remove his hands from my sides but I stop him. His eyes widen as I step on my tiptoes and bring my lips to his. He immediately kisses back sending sparks through my entire body like a sparkler on New Years Eve. His grip on me tightens and he pulls me closer.

A car honks outside of my house a good few times and cheers come from a familiar voice. Gerard. I pull away suddenly and look out of my window to see Mikey's brother, Gerard parked in the exact same spot I saw him first. Bastard.

"I love you Y/N." Mikey says hugging me from behind.

"I love you too, doofus." I say turning around and poking his nose once, gently.


I havent written in a while so I'm a little rusty but I hope you liked this :)

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