Fall Out Boy - Joe Trohman

44 3 3

Type: Fluff
Warnings: None


"Joseph I'm going to kill you!" I shout, stomping down the corridor to my best friend at his locker.

"I'm sorry!" He says, grabbing a book and slamming the locker door.

Joe ditched me last night for his band which I don't normally have a problem with but we were supposed to have our best friend anniversary. Our ten year best friend anniversary.

"Sorry won't cut it Joe, yesterday was supposed to be special and you didn't turn up." I say angrily. Joe looks down at his feet and sighs.

"We had an abrupt band meeting and I had to go." He spews out. I cross my arms in frustration.

"And that's more important than our friendship?"

"No, it turned out to not be important." He mutters. "But I will make it up to you tonight ok?"

"Yes, and don't cancel." I say as the bell rings.

~Time Skip~

I throw some Doritos in a bowl and sit down waiting for Joe.

After getting bored and nibbling a Dorito, the bell rings.

"It's open!" I call, excited to see my best friend.

Joe walks in with a box of chocolates and a dopey smile on his face. He looks cute I must admit. "Hey!" He says sitting on the sofa and placing down the chocolates.

"Hey, what's with the chocolate?" I ask knowing he's not one for chocolate.

"Well, I know you love it and I wanted to apologise," He blushes. "I was selfish yesterday, Pete only wanted to talk about his girlfriend and lame stuff."

"Joey, I'm sorry for getting so mad," I sigh. "I hate when we fight." Joe smiles.

"Hey, it's fine let's watch this movie ok?" He says. I nod and we hug.

~Time Skip~

I cuddle up to Joe feeling sleepy when the credits roll. He's warm and smells good.

He looks down at me and smiles.

"Y/N, I've been holding this back for four years and I think it's time I tell you," Joe sighs nervously. I look up and move my head to the side, signalling him to carry on. "Well, I like you...a lot and I really don't want this to ruin our friendship." He says making my heart stop.

"J-Joe...I don't know what to say."

"It's fine I've probably made this awkw-" I cut him off with a soft kiss of which he accepts.

When we pull away he smiles wide. "So you like me back?"

"Yes." I smile.


Haven't written in a while but here's this out of nowhere.

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