My Chemical Romance - Frank Iero

69 4 3

Type: Fluff
Warnings: None

Frank's POV

I was there at band practice sitting on the sofa for a break. Ray brought chips out and Gerard brought beer, Mikey decided he wasn't hungry. Gerard's girlfriend Lindsey was playing Mikey's bass in the corner of the dimly lit room. She said it was for "atmosphere" but we all know it was just because Mikey got a new bass and she wanted to try it out.

Then there was Y/N. Y/N was Mikey's best friend who liked to tag along to practices because she was jealous of our band. She was odd...eccentric even. She watched my every move when I played because the way I played was "cool", I was fine with it but it just seemed weird. 

"Frank!" Ray yelled snapping me out of my thoughts. "Beer?" He asked holding a bottle to my face. I grabbed it, took the top off and drank it. It wasn't good beer but it was something. Y/N watched me from the other side of the room. She played with her fingers and bounced her leg looking anxious. I put down my half empty bottle on the small table in front of me and looked at her

"Hey Y/N, you ok?" I asked her. Her eyes widened and she looked down.

"Y-yeah I'm fine." She muttered looking up with an awkward smile. I smiled back not wanting to push it. Mikey, who previously was not hungry looked up from his big bag of chips with his face stuffed. He tilted his head with a harsh look on his face.

"Are you sure Y/N?" He started after swallowing his food. "Do you want to talk outside?" Y/N thought for a moment and shrugged signalling an "ok".

Mikey and Y/N walked out of the room. I felt a pinch in my chest when the door closed gently. Y/N was pretty and I cared for her. I knew she had anxiety so I always made sure she was ok.

"Hey Frankie, you're acting strange." Gerard said. I looked at him and sighed.

"I'm fine." I smiled. I wasn't sure if that was true.

"You like Y/N don't you?" Lindsey asked putting down the bass. Silence surrounded the room. Did I? I mean yeah sure I cared about her but did I care enough her?

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"You do don't you?" Ray said.

"I-I don't know." I gave in. "She's pretty, nice and I do care about her but..." I drifted.

"But...?" Gerard said wanting an answer.

"But I'm not sure if I like her like that." I shrugged.

"Well...what do you feel in your heart?" Lindsey asked crossing her legs and resting her chin on her hand.

"A pinch." I said. "There was a pinch in my heart when she left." I admitted. Ray clapped his hands and smiled.

"You like her dude." He said shoving my shoulder in a playful manner.

"Ok fine, I like her." I sighed with a smile.

Just after I said that, the door handle squeaked and Y/N walked in followed by Mikey. I definitely liked her. I felt it.

Instead of sitting opposite me like she was, she sat next to me which was a tight squeeze with Ray and Mikey on the other side of me. I tensed up when her thigh touched mine. My heart beated heavily in my chest and my palms started to sweat.

"You alright Frank?" Y/N asked making my lungs pause.

"Y-yeah I'm good, a-are you good cause I'm good." I blurted out. I'm such an idiot.

"Way to sell your image man." Ray whispered in my ear, him gaining a shove from me.

"Ok guys break is over." Gerard said looking at the clock on the wall. "How am I going to play like this?!"  I thought to myself.

Everyone stood up except me, Lindsey and Y/N. I froze. I couldn't move. What just came over me? I wasn't like this before so why am I now? "Frank are you gonna get up or what?" Mikey moaned.

"I-I-I uh, um-"

"I'll play if you don't want to." Y/N said with a reassuring smile. Everyone in the room's jaws dropped.

"N-n-YES!" I shouted. I didn't want to seem like a pussy but I wanted to hear Y/N play. She gasped, jumped up from the couch and ran up to my guitar. She pulled the strap over her head and onto her shoulder smiling the entire time.

"Well ok then, Prison from the top!" Gerard shouted grabbing his mic after everyone was ready.

I watched Y/N play and realized why she was watching me play all the time. She was learning the songs! My jaw was open the entire time, she probably played better than me. She was so natural.

~Time Skip~

The song ended and without thinking I got up, ran up to her and smashed my lips into hers. To my shock she grabbed my face and received the kiss making it deeper. We were making out right then and there and it was the best experience of my life.


Hey uh this is longer than usual but I wanted to write a Frank imagine so here

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 29 ⏰

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