Chapter one: The Began

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He woke up from a long sleep. He was sure today would be the day he asked Harry-kun out! Oh, how he loved Harry-kun. His beautiful hair, his well-shaped head, and his beautiful bulge. Oh no, I've said too much. Well, the boy was Aaron he was an introvert who only read yaoi and played guitar. Harry, however, didn't need a talent his good looks were enough. As Aaron walked to school Ros-chan ran up.
"What up bitch?" She was always the outrageous one.
"Ahh hey?" He blushed Aaron-kun did not use such language. Ian-kun walked by, his bag was over his shoulder, you know, like a cool kid. He had his loving girlfriend locked arms with him.
Kenadi-chan smiled. "OwO hewo guys!" She dragged Ian-kun over to everyone. "OwO how aboot we all go to the park tonight. Teehee. Me and my boyfriend teehee are going you guys can invite whoever. OwO."
Aaron knew who he wanted to invite. His one and only love Harry-kun , however, he was to hot for Aaron-kun. His flawless hair and that beautiful blue suit of his. God, he was perfect.
"Yo fuck why don't you ask that bitch boy Harry out." Gangsta Ros-chan said. She wore low hanging pants and a big gold chain that said her rap name "The pantless pea".
"Uh, I don't know if I want to Ros-chan." He blushed.
"What the fuck did you just say to me your little bitch! You know that's my name it's PANTLESS PEA BITCH!" She began to strangle Aaron.
Ian slapped her hand away. He did not flinch Ian Was the cool guy. He pushed his glasses up. "Let's head to school."

They got to school to find Mackenzie-chan drunk face down on the floor. There were empty vodka bottles surrounding her. Ros kicked her in the stomach. "Get up fat bitch!" Mackenzie-chan woke.
"Oh hey, dudes what's up!" She fumbled to speak. Mackenzie-Kun was suffering from chronic alcoholism.
"Haha Mackenzie your so crazy"  Aaron laughed. Mackenzie had lost her family to a fire which killed all twenty of her siblings and her parents.
"Haha, you're a crazy bitch," Ros said as everyone began to laugh. Mackenzie-chan has lost all sense of feeling, she is merely a hollow shell who lies about her happiness to appease the others.
"Very funny Mackenzie-chan" Ian crossed his arms. She had no soul left. She hated living and only wanted the sweet release of death. They grabbed their stuff and headed to class. Mrs. Clark class was always an exciting class. Not to Mackenzie-chan, Ms. Clark had once stabbed her in the stomach. Ros-chan threw up some gang signs to Ms. Clark AKA The Pant, the leader of Ros's gang.
"Hey, Ros! My favorite amigo, remember you owe me money for the meth ." She smiled.
"Yeah, of course, my number one bitch." Aaron sat down he was worried that Harry would not be coming to school today. However, Harry walked into the class. In his tight white top. Aaron wondered if his underwear was tight and white.
"Aaron you're fucking gross."
Bardo-kun said responding to Aaron's thought.
"How did you-" but Bardo-kun was already gone. Harry-kun sat down beside Aaron. Aaron's heart skipped a beat.
"What up chap. My bloody ass is itchy." Aaron loved his beautiful passionate voice.
"Haha, your so funny Senpai!" He snorted laughed, like how Mackenzie snorted her cocaine to get rid of her demons.
"Mate I got the worse cramp in me arse." Aaron-kun couldn't believe his lush was growing more and more.
"Wanna g-go to the park with me and my friends tonight?" He stuttered he was so nervous.
"Mate that's the bees knees. most people here don't like me because they saw me suck meself off with a Hoover." Aaron's heart stopped. Did he say yes? He was so happy senpai said yes. The day flew by until it was time for the park. Yeah! Time to admit my feeling1 Aaron thought.
"Gross as bitch" Bardo yelled from the back of the classroom.

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