Chapter two; the middl

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Aaron-kun looked in his closet at all of his snazzy outfits. After an intense selection, he had his choices narrowed down to only 7 outfits. Here is a list:

1. A replica of the stunning ocean blue suit he first saw senpai wearing on the disco boat during the Québec trip. OwO, those were the days.

2. His booty-shorts with a sleeveless tank top. that would be nice to show off some skin... uwu

3. His black hoodie with the skin-tight jeans. perfect if he wanted to hide from everyone.

4. His Joker costume from halloween many years ago. It probably still fits.

5. The actual suit Harold-kun wore on the day of the disco boat. It still smells like him.>_<

6. The idea of going naked tempted him, but he decided against it. It might be too much for senpai.

7. Lastly, he considered going in drag, but he knew that sadly, there was no time for makeup.

He was interrupted by his doorbell ringing. He rushed down the stairs (still in his underwear) and opened the door to greet Bardo-kun, who was standing outside. "Hello Bardo-kun, what brings you h-" Bardo pushed past him, almost knocking him into his shrine to senpai, comprised of a lock of his hair, his old toothbrush, and a vial of melted snow and Harold-kun's blood, from that time when Harold-kun scraped himself at the ski trip with school. Luckily, it was ok. He followed Bardo-kun up the stairs into his room. "This one" Bardo-kun said while throwing the jeans and hoodie into Aaron-kun's stomach at mach-5 speed. Aaron-kun was sent back into the wall, in which he left a dent in the shape of his asscheeks. Before he could muster the strength in his lungs to utter a thank you, Bardo-kun had disappeared. Well, at least now he had the right clothes to wear. He heard an echoing voice in his head say "Gross ass bitch." Brushing his teeth and slipping a condom into his back pocket, he was now prepared for anything (anything.)

He opened the door and started to walk down his driveway, but the road was blocked by Ivo-kun, driving his tank he had designed himself. "Get in, we are going to be late. Not wanting to get obliterated, he obliged. Inside the tank, he saw Nicholas-kun, covered in grease. "What's up with you?" he asked, concerned. "Not important." he answered. He turned to Ivo-kun and said something Aaron-kun couldn't hear, and gave him a dollar. Ivo then opened a trapdoor underneath the floor. Nick-kun jumped in, and Ivo-kun pressed a button on the dashboard. A boom was then heard, and Nicholas-kun was shot out of the tank, leaving without a trace besides the grease stuck to the barrel of the tank. Ivo-kun turned to Aaron-kun and said "Alright, your turn. Where is your stop?" Aaron-kun checked his pockets, only to find nothing in them, except for his condom, of course. "sorry, I have no money." he admitted. "WELL WHAT ARE YOU IN HERE FOR?" Ivo-kun took him by the hood, opened the tapdoor, and shoved Aaron-kun inside, into a pool of grease that had accumulated over many uses. Dazed, confused, and covered in grease, Aaron-kun tried to escape, but the grease made him slide beyond his control, into the barrel of the tank, which is quite tight to say the least. "GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!1!!" "Oh I will." Before he knew it, Aaron was shooting out of the tank, through the air, and into a tree. He fell into the back of a convertible he knew only too well. "Woah, what was that?" said the coolest voice known to man. It was that of Ian-kun, the coolest guy. "Yo, how'd you get here?" he said. Trying to play it cool, Aaron-kun replied "Just on my way to the park.", his voice cracking. "Haha, cool, cool.", His loving girlfriend leaning on his shoulder. The upholstery was now soaked in grease, just like Aaron-kun. Looking over the side of the car, he saw that they had arrived at the park. They all got out of the car and sat at a table, where Nicholas-kun had greased up the table in advance. "You're late." he said.

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