*Chapter 1*

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Time Skip
It was finally the last day of school.The bell had just rang and kids started to flood the hallways.I was the last out of my class.The hallways were warm and smelly with kids pushing and shoving to get out the door.As I got out of the door I saw a group of boys dumping out their bags in the trash can.I smiled at how happy they were.I was then grabbed by my wrist and pulled back.I turned around and the one the only Henry Bowers was holding my wrist. "Can I help you?,"I said in a sarcastic tone "I need help with something"he said winking."EW!That disgusting!"I tried to pulled away but knowing Henry he just held on tighter. "Fine guess we're gonna have to do this the hard way," he started to drag me to the street.When we got to the trash cans the boys were just starting to leave that's when I kicked Henry in the nuts "Y/N IM GONNA KILL YOU!" He screamed this got the boys attention I ran and hid behind the trash can.I felt someone grab my wrist I pulled away thinking it was Henry til I heard "Let's go before he gets up!" I looked at Henry who was on the ground holding his stomach then up and the boy who grabbed my wrist.He had brown hair,huge glasses,and brown eyes.He pulled me over to the bike racks where his friends were waiting "let's go" he patted the extra room on his bike seat and I hopped on.i hooked my arms around his waste and off we went. "I'm Richie by the way" He said "oh,um I'm Y/n"He nodded. "Where are we going?"I asked "Well hot stuff we're going to the barrens,"I blushed at the nickname "cool" I said just above a whisper.
At the Barrens*
I hopped off Richies bike and Richie introduced me to everyone "That's Bill,Stan,and Eddie." As he said that he pointed to each one.Noodle haired Stan,Eddie has a fanny pack,and Bill has a stutter they all said hey and Richie said "guys this is Y/n"I waved.

Hey guys I know the chapters aren't gonna come that fast but I'm trying

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