pt 2

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Ever since Carson killed super secret spy idol Hatsune Miku, he hasn't been the same. He has been dating Pokimane, but it wasn't as amazing as dating the blue haired sixteen year old super secret spy idol.

Cooper tried his damn best to comfort his friend, but it was no use. He wound just stream while playing all of Hatsune Miku's songs playing in the background.

One night he was finally going to bed, but heard a tapping at his window. He looked up to find the one and only super secret spy idol Hatsune Miku

"Agh! Miku!" Carson said, clutching his Miku body pillow tighter. "I thought you were dead."

"That was my body double!" Super secret spy idol Hatsune Miku sang.

She broke the window and entered Carson's room. Carson hugged Miku tightly.

The two cuddled for the night until early the next morning. Carson made breakfast as Miku was still sleeping and entered his room. When he came in, super secret spy idol Hatsune Miku was gone. She probably left through the broken window.

Carson sighed heavily and sat at his desk to eat the Miku shaped pancakes he made. He was extremely sad and kept eating.

He didn't stream that day, he didn't stream for a few days. He decided to break up with Poki since she didn't make him happy.

Carson could only be described as a disheveled mess. Up until he met her.

Luka Megurine. Or Megurine Luka. He wasn't totally sure.

Luka was another super secret spy idol. And another vocaloid.

That's right.

This whole world has been in VR.

You're in a simulation. But so was Carson.

He trapped himself in his VR headset so talk to Luka recently. He completely forgot about streaming, and making YouTube videos.

Cooper, Travis, and Noah all had to focus on paying bills as the thick neck man slowly became an incel.

Nobody tried to stop Carson x for he was too far gone.

Carson recently bought a fedora and would forever be lost to Luka x reader fanfiction.

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