Chapter One~

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It was the first day of school, in a whole new town, which meant that Karkat was going to have to make new friends.

Not like he really had any before.

Today was September 27th, a very cool day. The wind was blowing at low speeds, making a light breeze outside. Karkat's window was open, the breeze slithering through the screen in it, causing him to shiver and get up to look at his alarm clock.


It was 8:20.

School started a half fucking hour ago.

This meant he was going to have to drive himself over to the school and have the courtesy of walking in with death glares, being the new kid not exactly making you excusable.

"DAMMIT!" Karkat muttered under his breath angrily, throwing off the covers to scavenge around for a shirt.

He found his band shirt he wore yesterday on the ground.

Linkin Park.

Nice choice man.

He smelt the fabric as he brought it to his nose, ultimately deciding it was "clean enough". Karkat put the shirt on, finding some dirty jeans with an assload of holes in them, but you know what.

Fuck it.

Put on the fucking pants.

So of course, he put them on over his warm boxers he jut slept in because; fuck it.

Karkat never brushed his hair, so it was always messy-ass-bed-head hair. He obviously didn't care that much of his hygiene at the moment, since no one even knew him.

First impressions at it finest.

He then grabbed his keys without eating any breakfast what so ever, heading out the door in no rush at all. In fact, he took his sweet time, jamming the key into the ignition like he was drunk. Finally, he was off, it taking him only 5 minutes to get there.


Karkat walked in, getting a pass from the office and heading down the hallway in which seemed to go on forever to his first class, ripping his schedule in the process of getting it out.

"Fuck my life." He muttered grumpily under his breath, wiping the muck from his baggy red eyes. Karkat then saw a couple of girls giggling at him, pointing to his hot mess of jet black hair.


I guess brushing your hair really does matter.

He ran a hand through it, attempting to fix it, hopefully it turning out somewhat nice.

Karkat's first class was science, and every seat was full when he walked in.

And just as if on cue, every single person had given him full blown death stares, making him slouch and stare at the floor as he approached the teacher with a shy expression. As he did so, he heard some people making comments.

"Who the fuck is that?"

"I heard he moved here because he got caught with drugs!"

"Isn't he that waste of space and time's blabber mouth's brother?"

"Gee, wow, I can already tell he doesn't do his homework by the way he's dressed. Fuckin lowlife."

There were more, but Karkat blinked away the tears in his eyes as he zoned them out, his heart pounding with nervousness as he shakily extended his arm out with the note to the teacher. Fortunately, he was one of the only ones with a sympathetic look. "Thank you Mr. Vantas." He scanned the note over with a now blank and bored expression. "You may pull up a chair next to Ol' Captor back there." When the teacher saw Karkat's terrified expression, he only gave a low belly laugh. "Oh ho! He doesn't bite. Only if you piss him off though." He gave another sharp laugh as he slapped his hard on the back, making him fall over with an "Ooph!" And a groan of embarrassment afterward.

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