Chapter 2~

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Karkat's expression may have shown he was terrified on the outside, but boy oh boy, that was NOT what exactly his dick had in mind.

He had never felt this way toward any guy whatsoever before in his entire lifetime.



He's always been a quiet guy in the back of the classroom, drawing o.c's and anime characters while listening to what our generation before us calls "death music." Karkat never really listened in class because he already knew everything. Even if it didn't show on the outside, he was a pretty smart boy who dressed like a hobo about 68.754% of the time.

But oh man.

This captor kid?

He was HOT.

Like Karkat would have gladly let his mouth put that o in hot.

On this dude's baby maker.

Karkat stared wide eyes and dreamily at the other with a shy smile, waving to him slowly as he turned around with a very faint pink blush.

Such an idiot.

When the other boy gave him a weird kind of look, his smile immediately vanished (vantished if I do say so) , his hand dropping limply to his side as he looked around and pulled a chair up next to him. Karkat made sure it wasn't very close to him, otherwise he might just creep him out some more.

He turned toward the new kid, raising his eyebrows as he extended his warm hand to Karkat's cold one, making his eyes widen. "Dude, your hand ith like fucking death. How the hell are you cold in here? Ith about 75 degreeth in thith bitch!" He scoffed, shaking Karkat's hand with a friendly smirk.

Karkat only blushed more, nodding his head and staring holes into the floor with another shy expression. His lisp didn't help the fact on how much he found him attractive.

Shush gay thoughts.

Go away.

You're supposed to be straight.

But he couldn't help but stare into the other's red and blue eyes in awe, a wider smile creeping onto his face as he kept silent.

His smirk faded, his pupils jolting from Karkat's right eye to his left with furrowed eye brows. "Hey, what the fuck are you thtaring at athhole?" This made Karkat jerk back, staring into space. He finally spoke, making people turn around and watch the two.

This made Karkat growl.

"Hey shitface with a lisp. Why don't you go fuck yourself in the lonely corner of a bathroom stall? Seems as a better place for your sorry ass." He blurt out, louder than he expected. Karkat yanked his hand out of the Captor's with a louder growl, giving him a wide frown with furrowed eye brows. He was NOT in the mood for people's shit today.

The kid only stared at him with wide eyes, fully not expecting that kind of response out of him. Seeing his semi-offended look, he instantly felt guilty.

"I'm sorry. I just..." He shook his head, stuffing his face into his hands.

He fucked up.

The kid only scoffed, a smile on his face. "Well, I'm Tholluxth." He said as he pried a hand off of Karkat's face, tilting his head to look at him.

He looked up at him, giving a very shy smile. "I'm Karkat." This has been the first time he had smiled in a while.

Sollux only smiled wider, nodding. "Thweet name. It thuith you." He patted his thighs, shifting in his chair.

"I can tell you and me are going to get along really well Vantas." He said with an eyebrow raised, now looking to the front of the class.

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