Just that boy, that joined a boy band - part 11

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The first support act more info played then Sam's band played "one last song" he said "I wrote it recently, very recently actually about a special girl" he added as the whole crowd said "awww" in sync.   "Sometimes it's hard to find something good in front of you until you walk right into it" the lyrics filled my head and it sounded too familiar like the accident we had, when we walked into each other not too long ago.  I hoped it was just a coincidence and shook it off. 

Sam's band finished and walked off stage with screams as they finish. If this was the reaction to the support act's imagine when all these girls actually heard the collective.   

The 5 boys came out, one by one following behind each other. Trent, Will, Zach, Jayden and then Julian. I smiled as I realized I was at his first concert and felt like a proud girlfriend.   

They started off with we found love, then domino, then continued to play each song they sang on xfactor week by week until they got to their original song they realeased when they won.   

The concert soon finished and before I knew it the venue was empty, Natasha and I went backstage to see Julian and the other boys and congratulate them on their first concert.   

Jayden basically ran to Natasha "hey" he said with a smile "hey" she said back with a smile, then they kissed "oooooh" everyone said in sync because it was the first time they had kissed, well in front of everyone anyways. "Shut up" jayden said playfully.   

"Let's go for a walk" Julian said "it's 11:45pm, it's too late" I replied "it's never too late to spend time with you."   

How could I argue with him "ok let's go, but where are we going" I asked? "I have no idea" he replied laughing "I've already gotten lost once and I don't really want to get lost at midnight" I said "we'll find our way plus you have me this time" he smiled "ok let's get lost together" I laughed, as he grabbed held of my hand and linking his fingers together with mine. We walked through the back, out the back door Holding hands and as we were nearly out the door I saw Sam looking at us strangely.  

We were walking around for about half n hour then suddenly it started pouring rain. I Half expected to start running back in the direction we came from when he just pulled me close "what are you doing?" I asked "I know you've always wanted to be kissed all romantically in the rain" he laughed "and I've always wanted to be the one to do it" he added, as he pushed my hair out of my face and kissed me. After about 2 minutes he pulled away, it felt like a scene out of movie.   

"How was that?" He asked "Reality was way better than my dreams" I said with a smile. 

We finally got back to the hotel at about 2 am, we sneaked in quietly and we were both so tired and i can only imagine julian feeling exhausted because of performing that we litterally collapsed and fell asleep on the floor.

Just that boy, that joined a boy bandWhere stories live. Discover now