Chapter 4

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~Izzy's POV~

I glanced at Paul as he leaned his head against the passenger window. My heart felt heavy as he looked like he'd fall asleep, yet he didn't. His whole demeanor was off, very off. He flinched at the slightest noise when he'd drift into a very light sleep.

I mentally shook my head as I refocused on the road. My mind and body ached at the memory of Paul telling me to leave him alone, that we weren't meant to be together. It had hurt at first, but the grief and pain helped me through my doctorate program.

I glanced at Paul again from the corner of my eye, my lips forming a soft frown as I saw a tear roll off the tip of his nose and others gently trickle down his flushed cheeks. I then lightly drummed my fingers on the steering wheel as I came to a stop at a red light near the town limit sign for Forks.

What broke my sweet, hotheaded, loving man?

~Sam's POV~

I glanced behind me as I lead Adrienne outside. She was quiet and I knew she was mulling over the argument Emily and I had finished. I didn't understand why so suddenly that my fiancé and I didn't seem to fit together anymore.

Emily would find something miniscule to start a fight over; dishes, my unclean laundry, my clean laundry that needed to be folded. She'd start getting angry when I asked a simple question or if I repeated myself when I hadn't heard her the first time.

"Sam," Adrienne's soft voice said, "you're spacing out again. Are you sure you're alright?"

Adrienne's eyes held worry as she gently placed her hands against my chest. When she looked like she was about to burst into tears I buried my face in the crook of her neck. I shivered gently when she placed her hands on the back of my neck.

I began wishing she and I could've held each other like that for an eternity, yet the moment slipped away when I had heard a pickup pull into the driveway behind mine. Adrienne and I looked up at the same time, my jaw dropping.

There sitting behind the wheel was none other than my baby sister.

Izzy gently waved then looked to the passenger seat. I saw sorrow in her eyes when I noticed Paul shivering.

My baby sister's home, but will she be happy and safe here? Will Paul ever be his old self?

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