Chapter 5

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~Sam's POV~

I watched Izzy get out of the truck, then she helped Paul out. She held his hands and lead him to the house, carefully guiding him. I could tell Paul wasn't feeling good by the hollow look in his eyes.

He shuffled his feet as he followed Izzy, mumbling to himself. When they got close enough to Adrienne and myself I instantly knew Paul wasn't himself. He blinked tiredly and gave me a weak smile as Izzy lead him inside.

I turned to Adrienne and watched her softly frown. She hugged herself which prompted me to pull her close to my chest.

She was quiet before she softly said, "He's going to take time to heal. He's blaming himself for what he did.".

~Adrienne's POV~

My heart ached as I watched my former best friend and her former lover walk into Sam's house. They'd been through hell and back, but they didn't last; even after starting to date when they were seventeen, that was ten years ago. I fought back the urge to go and hug Izzy, still upset at her for not telling me.

I jumped when I felt Sam's hand brush against my bare arm. I turned to him, shaking in both anger and fear. I didn't know what to do and I felt like I'd blow a gasket if Izzy spoke to me. I didn't downright hate her, I just didn't trust her as much as I used to.

To make matters worse Emily, or 'Evil Bitch Spawn' as I called her in my head at times walked out. She was glaring daggers at Sam and I had a feeling round two of their godforsaken argument was going to happen. She pushed me out of the way, slapping Sam across the cheek.

I saw red as she told him, "We're done; the imprint bond just broke, Asshat. If I'm not good enough for you then no one is. Not even Leah; and you were supposed to be with her too!".

I locked my jaw, a feral growl escaping the back of my throat before I acted. I tackled Emily to the ground and began wailing on her, landing some pretty decent hits. She then socked me in the jaw, scratching at my face, neck and arms.

I howl in anger and start wailing on her again, not caring if the pack was watching me. As I pulled my left arm back to slug Emily in the face again Sam's strong arms wrapped around my waist and he lifted me off of her. I shook in anger as I screamed profanities and bloody murder at Emily.

She scoffed, then went back in the house and walked back out minutes later with two suitcases and a duffle bag. My blood boiled when I realized she had already packed when she took them to her vehicle.

"Don't ever come back," I snapped at Emily, "Sam didn't deserve you! Or your verbal abuse! Fuck you, Emily Young!".

Could I protect Sam if she ever came back?

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