Act 1

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It has been so long since I lay on my back to watch the azure sky, with no missions pending. I used to chat with him on those days when it seemed as though we were normal teenagers, ditching school. Not anymore. Coriolan was irreplaceable. The brother who used to look up into the sky and smile innocently despite all that happened on our missions, who used to point out constellations in French softly, though he could have used the other 11 harsh languages we knew.

"Le ciel est bleu." He would state the obvious, as some boys who lead normal lives did.

"Oui, the sky is blue." I would repeat, like an infant.

Translating French into English.

It was all we could do to keep some trace of normalcy in our lives. We could have spouted quotes from Shakespeare, or other famous literary works in those other languages we knew. 


We didn't.

Ciel - by Sayz ShateridaWhere stories live. Discover now