Act 3

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Coriolan was not my blood brother, but a sworn one, the closest semblance to family I had...and would ever have. He was a brother, a father, a friend, the one and only who knew me inside out. Every thought I had, he knew. Even if I never said or moved a muscle, even if we were on two opposite ends of the world, and I did not call him. He would phone the instant he felt the slightest change of my emotions, and rush over as soon as he could.

Perhaps it is time for me to turn my back to this world and do one of the billions of jobs I had the qualifications to do. Originally meant for missions. The day he was my sworn brother, we had made a pact. If I had the slightest intention of harming someone without being threatened to do so by Loukian, I would have to stop working under Loukian. I had wanted to harm the people in Maixent without being told to do so by Loukian. Perhaps Coriolan knew this would happen.

I am free now.

Coriolan's mother was killed the instant news of him dying reached Loukian's ears. She was his hostage. To force Coriolan to carry out murderous acts. Now that Coriolan was no more, she was of no use to him.

Thankfully, it had ended with a quick bullet through the throat. I have nothing. Thus Loukian can do nothing to me. Death means nothing now, with Coriolan and his mother gone.

I am free now, I am free.

Ciel - by Sayz ShateridaWhere stories live. Discover now