Chapter 6

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Aaliyan later picked Khadijah from Judy's house and was driving home, nodding at Khadijah frequently when she was telling about the party.

"You have no idea, Bhai. The party was just so awesome. I really enjoyed it. And Judy's family is the sweetest family I have ever met."

"That's good, Khadijah. Now please will you be quiet I am so tired of listening of that party."

"You are just so boring. If your future wife will tell about parties, what would be your reaction?"

"Thank you for the compliment, dear. And talking about my future wife, oh, I am going to lend all ears to listen to it."

"Yeah! Whatever. As if I care."

"You do care, darling."

Khadijah just shrugged and then they drove in silence with a smile playing on Aaliyan's lips. When they reached home they saw a car parked in front of their house.

"Who is at our house, Bhai?"

"Oh no! I totally forgot. Fahad and his family there."

"Who is Fahad?"

"He is my friend. He was a junior to me back at school now he is in police department here. I met him few days ago and decided to invite him over."


They both headed towards the door and rang the doorbell. Mrs. Farooq answered the door.

"Assalam o alikum, mom."

"Walikumusalam. Come on in."

They both went in the guest room. Khadijah adjusted her niqaab and greeted the guests. She saw a woman and man, both of her parents' age and another girl who looked a year or two younger than Khadijah. Then as she looked beside her and she saw another person. He looked a year older than Khadijah. He tall like Aaliyan, with a little beard, chocolate brown eyes and a smile which was impossible for someone to ignore.

"Fahad! This is Khadijah, my younger sister and Khadijah this is Fahad, my friend."

Fahad looked at Khadijah but could not look at her face which was covered. He saw could just saw her eyes. He smiled at her and Khadijah quickly lowered down her gaze.

"Nice to meet you, Khadijah."

"Nice to meet you too."

She later excused herself and went to her room to get freshened up. She then went to the kitchen and helped her mother in making the snacks. But as she entered the kitchen she saw that everything was prepared, only the serving was left.

"Mom! You knew that the guests were coming, right?"

"Yes! Obviously I knew that."

Khadijah folded her arms, "And you didn't tell me?"

"Yes, dear because I knew that if she you came to know then you will not turn up at Anna's birthday and so far Judy is your only friend. So I decided not to tell you and also forbade your father and Aaliyan not to tell you."

"But mom."

"Come on, Khadijah. No buts at least help me serve these to the guests."

Khadijah smiled and started to serve the snacks to the guests. Although she was tired but still because it was the rule to serve the guests she had to.

"Dear, what are you doing these days." Fahad's mother, Mrs. Khan asked.

"I am studying in UCL and completing my degree in law."

"Oh that's good."

"Can I ask you a question?" Fahad's sister joined the conversation.

"Yes! Of course, go on."

"Do you cover your face when you are out, I mean in university too?"

"Maheen! Stop it." Fahad ordered her sternly.

"No! It's okay. Yeah I do that there too because I feel comfortable in this way."

Maheen smiled, "That's good. But what if people there ask you that why are you covering your face, then what will you say?"

"The people there asked me that why I am doing so. I just simply replied to them because Allah likes me in this way and that's my religion. This makes some of them quiet and some of them keep on saying these things so I just ignore them and move on because some people are meant to be this way."

"That such an amazing thinking," this time Fahad spoke up.

Khadijah glanced at him, "Thank you."

"Maheen! I think you should also start covering yourself or at least your head."

"That is a good idea. I think covering my head is a good idea because most of the people have seen my face in university and that would be awkward if I will cover my face. Therefore I would cover my head. Thanks, Khadijah for the advice."

"No problem, Maheen. In fact I am really honored that because of my advice you will be covering your head. That is a good thing. That is what our real identity should be and besides, if a girl covers her head she is in the protection of Allah."

The people sitting in that room were impressed by Khadijah but one person was looking at the light brown eyed beauty, whose eyes were breathtaking and she was well aware that a pair of black eyes were upon her only, as if studying here wholly.

By this time they were finished with their snacks and Khadijah started to collect all the unwashed dishes. She kept them in the kitchen and went back to the dining room.

"Maheen! You can come in my room if you want too."

"Yes! I would love too."

"Come on then, let's go."

Khadijah before leaving glanced at Fahad and saw him looking at her. She quickly looked down and took Maheen to her room.


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Here comes our two other main characters Fahad Ali and Khadijah Farooq. What does destiny holds for them?

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