My Angel II

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Nicki Minaj

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Nicki Minaj

It's been a couple of weeks since my new friends and neighbors maze and Beyoncé moved in. They were kind of weird sometimes,Beyoncé would get antsy and maze protective but i just figured they just needed to warm up to on another. Me, i got along with them fine. I found myself relating them both on many levels. I was currently waiting for them to come over, we're supposed to be going out to dinner tonight. After a few minutes go by i hear knocking on my door followed by what i would assume is the two arguing. I grabbed my belongings, opening the door chuckling at the sight.

"I was here first," Maze mumbled bumping into Beyoncé.  Beyoncé regained her balance, only to attempt to bump maze back until she saw me. I stood there with my hands on my hips, a playful scowl on my  face.

"What's going on here," i asked sternly. They both mumbled looking away from one another. I decided to mess with them a bit, "Do you guy you know... Like each other?" Maze gagged as if she were going to throw up.

"Definitely don't," Beyoncé said quickly. She gave me this look that sent chills through my spine. I can't lie and say that i haven't been developing a crush on the blonde hair woman because i definitely have. Clearing my throat i decided that we should make our way to the restaurant. Upon arrival i heard a voice calling to me.

"Come to me child," a woman's voice called out.

I looked around at my friends but they didn't seem o notice, maybe I' m just tripping. Beyoncé helped me out of the car, interlocking our hands. I felt a spark as soon as she touched me and i know she felt it too.. I don't know what it is but her soul felt familiar, like they were two of the same.Maze noticed this and walked between us, breaking our grip on one another. Maybe she doesn't like PDA? Anyways as we entered i once more heard the voice and just chalked it up to me being food deprived.

"You look really pretty tonight," Beyoncé said. I blushed, smiling at her like an idiot. "Not that you don't always. It's just this color white is really doing it's justice." My face was growing hit by the second, my nerves were rushing through like a lightening bolt. Beyoncé had insisted i wear white being that she's never seen me in the color. I'm glad i took her advice or maybe she wouldn't have been looking at me like a piece of dessert.

"So do you. Black definitely suits you,"I smiled now causing her to blush. I had convinced her to wear black since i had to wear white. She's never in anything that isn't white or gold, I'm starting to think she really is an angel. Lol but that's not possible.

Maze scowled at Beyoncé noticing our interaction,making me confused. I once again heard the woman's voice boom throughout my ear. I quickly stood up, almost losing my balance from the dizziness.

"Are you okay," Maze and Beyoncé asked simultaneously. They both stood to their feet, ready to come to my aid. I shook the dizziness off, nodding my head and gave them a toothy smile .

"Yeah I'm fine. Thanks guys. I'm just going to go to the ladies room real quick," i reassured them. They looked at me skeptically but sat back down nonetheless.

I quickly made my way to the bathroom, locking it behind me. I felt too many things at once, the voices weren't stopping, it felt as if a surge of electricity were flowing through me right about now.

 I felt too many things at once, the voices weren't stopping, it felt as if a surge of electricity were flowing through me right about now

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  Beyoncé Knowles

"I'm going to go check on her," i told maze. I began to get up only to be sat back down by maze, her glare piercing through my own.

"I don't know what kind of game you're playing but i will tell you this. You won't win " she gritted. I snatched my arm out of her strong grip.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just here to do my job and bring her to the 'Land'" i said in code. I was here to bring Onika to heaven and that's what I'm going to do.

"You know what I'm talking about. You're making goo goo eyes at my sister,stop it." She said in a firm tone, letting me know she was serious.

"I do no-," i began but maze interrupted me. She twirled her blade in her hand, licking her teeth.

"You can't possibly stand a chance, especially when she finds out the truth. Yea your beautiful but when she finds out you were sent here not to protect her but to return her to the one who is trying to destroy her? Yea you're fucked," she said. What did she mean destroy? That's got to be a lie.

"You're lying! Were just trying to make sure she remains good, and bring her home. Her power is not able to withstand this world. I'm simply bringing her to her rightful home,"i argued. She chuckled as if i said the funniest thing in the world.

"No you were sent here to take her somewhere because i doubt they told you heaven so she can be destroyed . I'm here to protect her as I've always done and as i have to do yet again,"she whispered lowly. "You don't truly know her power, so you don't understand why they would be afraid. But i do, I've been watching her since she was just a soul. You can't have her," Maze gritted.

I ignored her, trying to fight the words out of my head but could it possible be true? She's a demon so she has to be lying right? I shook it off, making my way to thee bathroom only to find it locked. I knocked but didn't receive an answer. I took a bobby-pin out of my hair, doing the trick maze had taught me. Unlocking the door i saw onika hunched over the sink sweating bullets.

"Are you okay NicNac," i asked in concern. She didn't answer, i grabbed her face, trying to make her look at me but all i could see was the witness of her eyes. I began to freak out internally, i was taught that contact can calm the nerves so i did the next best thing. Smashing my lips onto hers, i could feel her relax. I could feel my soul intertwine with hers as if it belonged together. I felt a vibration through my body, jerking me away from her. Her eyes glowed a bright purple as mine shined a bright white. It was as if we were stuck in a trance.

"Is she okay? I felt he-," i could faintly hear maze voice. "Mom we have a problem," i heard in the distance. After that everything went black.

Here's an update



I hope you enjoy ❤️

A normami x jorja one shot will be up tonight.

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