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One's eyes finally opened, a victory of boredom, mild curiosity. Light immediately blinded the weak eyes. Incessant, one tried and tried again until stains regained colors, contours, shapes and dimensions.

Then, one saw. There was a room, a window, a cupboard, a curtain, a door. One was lying on a bed.

A familiar sight, burned by light, too intense.

Memories rushed into one's mind, remembrance of another room, with another cupboard, another bed... and pain and fear. One remembered fear, draining all energy of mind and body. The weakness, the despair.

This was a journey deep into darkness. There were no more stories after but the end, one recognized, the true end. And what came after it... the shattering.

The end was close, again.

White figures dancing grotesquely around one, clouding the sight of the room. Ghosts haunting.

"... woke up a week ago... the process is normal..." One figure said.

"...been here since... two years..." Another.

"... is dangerous... a real monster..." Another, maybe the first.

Hands touch the body, the forehead, the wrists, check the eyes. And one knew what it means.

It was starting again.

The mere thought was more than enough, a stab of ice in the heart, bringing fear back, so much fear. The eyes opened wide, trying to escape the body, the arms, tense, grasped for freedom. One didn't hear anymore, the alarmed voices, the bodies leaning over one. The grip, strong.

"Call Dr. Schneider! Run!"

"Fuck! Why the convulsions?!"

The fight against self was meant to be lost. There was sudden wetness around one's eyes, failing to comprehend that was crying.

One could not move anymore, being hold against the mattress by the people in white. There was no escape, one knows, had to try anyway.

One didn't realize three more people entering the room, the needles, the sudden fatigue that relaxed the body immediately. One was completely unaware, as all to be seen was the monster, one standing so close, in that same room, staring. It was back.

"Obluda..." one's voice, before falling asleep again.

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