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The loud screeching of my alarm clock jolted me awake.
            "Ugh," I groan, shoving the covers off the bed on the ground stepping on the frigid floor, pulling my arms above my head, stretching them. I wandered to my bathroom to get ready for the death sentence I call school. I turned on the shower and got in. It was nearing the end of Senior year, and we were going on a field trip to take a tour of one of the Matchless Global Associations. There were different buildings used at different times, depending on where the Matchless were. They were an operation that protected the Matchless; they raised them and had a long line of being a safe place for them. And ever since the kids were shown off with their crystals, the world loved them, immediately idolizing them. People wanted to know what they did, how they acted, and how they felt.
The first being Logan Frode his crystal being Sanaea the all-knowing. His powers were quite impressive — telekinesis, telepathy, and being exceptionally intelligent, able to examine and analyze any issue then solve it. I looked up to him, but I knew I would never be as good as him. Then Patton Agape, this loveable ball of fluff was at the attention of everyone. His love for animals and love for the world really tied to his crystal Parwara. His healing ability helped many people as he could cure just about anything, but he got tired quickly so he couldn't go around saving everyone like he wanted to. But healing wasn't the only ability he had; plants and animals loved him and protected him from danger. He was everything I could never be. Then the most famous, Roman, having the power to make dreams and desires to come true, his crystal, Kamrog, was the very embodiment of passion. If Logan was the brain and Patton the heart, then Roman was the brawn- pure and simple. I don't really like him that much, he's way too loud. But he still can do more than me. I know I shouldn't care about them, especially since I don't even have a crystal myself, but something made me want to be standing up on that stage next to them. Anyways, it's stupid, and what's the point, they would never care for me, let alone meet me.
Many other people needed their help; I wasn't important at all. I didn't deserve anything they could offer or at least that's what I've been taught. I stepped out, turning the shower off. I sigh, grabbing a hairbrush and combing roughly through my purple-dyed hair before slapping the plastic brush back on the bathroom counter. Ugh, why am I so bothered by it? Looking at my face, I reached for my eye shadow, I know I get ridiculed for how dark I make it, but having it on makes me feel better. Even though the feeling of something missing is still there. I still don't know what it could be. I just feel so lost and without something important. I wish I could go and hide under the covers and not have to deal with this, but that's not how life works. I hope that nothing terrible happens toda-
            "Virgil it's time to go! I'll be in the car!" my mother shouted from downstairs. Rolling my eyes, I grab my patched hoodie and backpack, throwing them on while running down the stairs. Finding my purple converse and running out the door, locking it behind me. Today was going to be horrible; I just knew it. As soon as I got to school, they had brought everyone into the cafeteria to take attendance. I walk in and find a place to sit down in a corner, pulling my headphones out of my bag and putting them on. Trying to find music to listen to, so I didn't have to talk to anyone. But then a sassy, coffee drinking boy sat across from me. I pull my headphones down, looking at him.
              "Hey, Vergie, what are you doing sitting here moping?" Remy cooed, a smirk on his lips while holding his phone up, side-eyeing me. I glare at him huffing,
             " well, I was trying not to talk to people," I groaned," but I guess I can't do that now, can I?" I put away my headphones and crossed my arms, looking at him. Remy smiled,
            " oh, you love me." Remy amused, sipping his coffee. Remy and I talked for a while, waiting for attendance.
"VIRGIL??? IS THERE A VIRGIL?" one of the teachers yell.
"here," I say in a soft voice.
"NO VIRGIL, IS THERE NO VIRGIL??" she screams again. I huff, annoyed, and raise my hand. She sees it glaring at me,
"VIRGIL, PLEASE SPEAK UP!!" she screeches, making people laugh looking at me, I nodded putting my head down, embarrassed. Putting my hood up whilst curling in on myself as the teacher continue with roll call. I start to shake as words shoot in my head telling me how stupid I was and how much of a joke I was. Until Remy puts his hand on my shoulder, calming me down. Giving me a pitying look before yelling 'Here!' to the attendance taker. Finally, they split us all up based on crystals for the busses. I was put in with Remy, and the black and purple crystals, they got a bad rep for being troublemakers and are supposedly "evil." But Remy was nothing like that. His black Onyx Remy named, "Espresso" gave him the power to calm people down and help them sleep well. I wish I had a crystal even if it was Black Tourmaline, one of the most violent crystals. It would make all of this so much easier. I sat down in the back of the bus with Remy, watching all of the unhappiest people ever get on this bus. I swear that out of all the colors, the black crystals needed the most help. Either they didn't care and got in trouble making it worse for everyone, or they sat in the back, invisible, being picked on by more flashy colors. Remy was one of the more popular kids so he didn't get picked on and he stood up for most of the kids. But some of the bullies have stronger crystals, and Remy couldn't compete with that. But ever since I decided to stand up for that girl in the front of the bus. Remy seemed to have taken a liking to me. And I had to admit that it was nice talking to someone for once, but I don't see how hanging out with me would be fun. I won't boost his popularity, probably the opposite. It doesn't matter anyway because I can't seem to get him to go away.
"HEY EMO, YOU THERE?" Remy yells I look up startled, 
"Umm yeah, I just got lost in thought." I looked down, feeling guilty, I probably made him bored, god I'm such a sucky friend.
    "Well that's not good, I know how bad your thoughts can get hun, do you want to talk about it?" Remy asked, putting his phone down, staring at me. Or at least that's what I thought he was doing since I can't see his eyes. Remy had lovely eyes. They were black, very dark, and sincere. They kind of remind me of his crystal. But they were susceptible to light, so he had to wear sunglasses.
    "Umm, it's nothing... j-just its I guess w-well I-I-I" I stutter shying away, I can't tell him: What's the point it's stupid anyway, I shouldn't burden him, but I already started talking I start to panic, I can't tell him, but what do I say?? He arches his eyebrows then smiles grabbing my shoulder very softly he gently hums,
    "Shhhh Virgie you're panicking, you don't have to tell me anything, how about we listen to some music together?" he motions for my bag. I sigh instantly feeling calmer, I know it's Remy's doing. I smile, grabbing my pocket to get my earphones.
    "Yeah, thanks Rem" I murmur he smirks in response
               "Anything for my favorite emo!" I connect them to my phone, sticking one in my ear.
               "Umm, what do you want to listen to?" I hand him the other earbud as I scroll through my phone.
                "Anything that would calm you down" Remy smirks putting the earbud in his ear. I smile picking my least emo playlist(Still pretty emo) for Remy. I look out the window as Remy scrolls through his phone. This bus was usually really quiet because there were not many black and purple crystals in the world. That's another reason why they were a target. I wish I could speak up or help with this problem. Logan and Patton both have spoken out against it. Roman doesn't talk or usually avoids the question. I mean, I don't blame him with a brother like that I would have a prejudice against others. After a few hours we arrived, I somehow fell asleep on Remy's shoulder while I was listening. Makes sense, even his presence would make me tired after the insomnia I had last night. He nudged me awake,
"Hey, wake up sleepyhead, now you actually have to be social," I glare at him harshly, he sticks his tongue out in return.
              "OKAY EVERYONE PLEASE ORDERLY LEAVE THE BUS AND WE THEN WILL PUT YOU IN GROUPS OF EIGHT WITH THE OTHER BUSSES!!" the teacher screamed, making me physically jump, knocking me out of my angry pouting from being woke up. Remy laughs at my jitteriness, we walk out of the bus in an "ordinary fashion" as the teacher said, I hated this school. There was supposed to be an assembly of the Matchless showing off their power and picking random people from the audience to help in any way they need. I roll my eyes. I think it's more like they are showing off but trying to justify it. We listen to the instructor as they put us in groups. And how lucky I was to be placed in the group of my favorite bullies, four of them to be exact. The other three were blue crystal nerds that didn't associate with "my kind of people" as one of them told me before as I was helping them pick up their books after running into them. And I guess they mean me not having a crystal. Remy looks at the group then at me.
"Are you sure your gonna be okay? Do you want to switch with me?" he motions to his group of the sweet pink crystals that would be nice to anyone no matter who. Though I think It's all fake, no one can be that happy and friendly. I shake my head,
"No I'll be fine, and if it gets too bad I'll ask to change okay?" I reassure as I walk over to my group nervously. I stand behind them waiting for are chaperone to stop talking to the employee that was supposed to give us the tour. They turn and look at me,
"Aww nice, we got stuck with the biggest emo faggot in this school!" Chase laughed with his friends. The other three blue crystals look away, choosing to be bystanders (typical behavior for a blue crystal). Jared looks at me with a disgusted face and then turns to talk with Will. Noah turned to look at me angrily.
"Ugh, faggots make me puke!" he glares at me, I look him in the eyes a smirk rode its way up my face,
"Don't deep throat so far and you won't have that problem," I respond, Noah growls
"What the fuck did you say to me, you little shit?" He roars as fire sparks on his clenched knuckles. I immediately freak out and start to back away, oh god I'm so stupid why did I say that! He raises his fist about to hit me.
"Noah! Don't make me go over there!" the chaperone, that was coincidentally his mom, yells. She walks over and pulls his ear,
"But mom he said-"
"I don't care what he said, I didn't raise a BARBARIAN!" She interrupts, pulling him by his ear away. After she gives him a stern talking to, she walks back and brings the employee again. Noah walks to me and whispers in my ear,
"This is so not over, and you better watch your fucking back, you emo shit!" He jeered, turning walking back to his friends, laughing about something. I give a terrified shiver, oh I'm such an idiot, why did I say that? I'm usually so careful, I've gone through this whole four years without a fight to get in that college, ALL FOR NOTHING! I had to be on my best behavior and have the best grades to get in. The college was mostly only for powerful crystals bearers and the matchless. It's not like I want to meet them, but they, for some reason, make me feel like I'm not missing anything... I don't know why. Suddenly I feel a buzz in my pocket from my phone, I grab it looking at the message,
hey, you good hun? I saw Noah was fired up with you. Literally, it read. I smile, looking up to so Remy staring at me concerned. I turn to reply
Oh, don't worry I just told him to stop sucking dick  I snicker sending it. He looks down and laughs.
Oh sweetie we both know I'm the one that's supposed to tell him that I laugh about to reply when,
"Okay is everyone ready we're gonna start at the training ground, and please stay in a single file line, we don't need to lose anyone!" The chaperone yells I put my phone down following behind everyone. We went through the whole building, passing other people from schools and different jobs, checking the training the lab and many other places. The employee showing us around was talking, but I couldn't hear him since I was all the way in the back, and I didn't care. What's the point of learning about people that mean nothing to me. So I just put my earphones in, pulling up my hood, ignoring anything and pretending to pay attention. But I could tell the chaperone could tell I was listening to music, but what just happened with her son she probably feels bad, letting this slip if no one else notices. It's kind of degrading. I don't need her pity...But I'm not complaining if I get to not participate that's fine with me. Every now and then, the boys in front of me would throw a dirty look or try to make fun of me. But it was hard with the chaperon eyeing them after they tried to trip me in the hallway. Naturally, I ignored them, hoping they would forget about the comment I made, but life was never that easy was it? My phone finally died as I sigh, putting my earphone and phone in my bag.
              We were standing in the hallway as the employee was telling us about the room we will be entering. But was interrupted as a different employee ran out of a door next to me leaving it open. It was too dark, I couldn't see anything in the room, and the door had a ton of locks on it, like no one was allowed inside, quite alarming. I was jerked out of my thoughts when the employee that ran out of the room, that I was looking at, ran straight into the door, are chaperon was opening for us to go in. The man hit his head hard, falling on the ground. Gasps fell around the hallway as the mother, and the employee that was giving a tour was horrified. They immediately helped him up, but he started to bleed, so they told us to please wait here while they bring him to the er they had. They took either side of him helping him around the corner. There was a long silence as all eight of us calmed down after the panic. Three of them sat down on the benches that were in the hallway while the other four goofed around messing with the posters on the wall. I went to lean against the wall next to the open door, but before I could, I was pushed to the ground. I turned to see Jared, Noah, Will, and Chase hovering over me,
"Not so buff now that you don't have my mom fucking protecting you." Noah yelled, trying to kick me as I dodge standing up while backing up. I calmly speak,
"Look I don't want any trouble-"
"Well, you should have thought that before you opened your fucking emo mouth!" He interrupted, pushing me backwards again. But this time I landed in the room that had the locks and was completely black. I start to freak out immediately standing up and rushing to try to leave. The boys noticed my panic and went to grab the door, slamming it right in front of me, laughing. I heard a few locks click, and that's when I really start to panic, What if I get stuck in here? I'll probably get in trouble! I wouldn't be able to go to college! My whole future will be over! What would my mom think of me?! What if I don't get out? Will I be stuck here forever? I would starve and die! They will find me dead in here months later! I would never get to talk to them! I run to the door and start banging on it tears welling in my eyes yelling,
           "GUYS PLEASE LET ME OUT, COME ON GUYS, THIS ISN'T FUNNY" I yell, after a long while I slide down the door and curl up. Trying to calm down my breathing, after a few minutes, I look around the room, but it was so dark, maybe they have a light switch. I need to find the light switch, come on you can do this. I shakily stand up, clutching the door. I reach my arm out before stopping myself. I sigh, "come on you just have to touch the wall there's nothing that can hurt you, you'll be fine," I tell myself before running my arm on the walls near the door finding what I was looking for, I flicked it on the light blinding my eyes for a few seconds before I saw it. A royal purple Amethyst in the middle of the room inside a case. Wait, Is that Fashutana, one of the four? Everyone thought the Matchless Association lost it. I wonder who the bearer is. They never told anyone about this. They always blew off the question about it. It abruptly started glowing, shining purple. I yelped and fell backwards. After a few seconds of calming myself down and seeing that it wasn't trying to kill me, I stood up not moving my eyes off it for a second. The glow started to make me feel a lot more protected like I was safe from anything that could harm me. I slowly walk towards it, ignoring the vivid yellow signs that practically screamed,
               "DO NOT TOUCH!" and "NO TRESPASSING BEYOND THIS AREA" climbing over the small gate around it to keep people from it. I stood in front of it, staring at it, gently I brought my hand up, placing it on the glass, feeling a feeling I've never felt before. But that moment was abruptly stopped by a screeching alarm because I touched the glass. I jumped back having a panic attack all over again. OH MY FUCKING GOD I'M SO STUPID! There were sighs hung everywhere literally one that say there's an alarm. How did I not see them?! I turn to run tripping over the gate, running towards the door, trying to yank it all over again. It didn't work, 'shocker', I stomp my foot in frustration. I don't want to get in trouble right before college. I wouldn't be able to go in if I have criminal or defiance on my record!! A few frustrated tears slipped down my face. How would my parents think about this? Everything was going so smoothly. I only had a few weeks of school left! Right before I was about to accept my defeat, I felt a weird fuzzy feeling in my gut and a heat to my back.
               I turned around to see the crystal glowing even more that it felt like fire. Suddenly a beam of light shot right passed me from the crystal. I screamed, bringing my arms to protect my face. After the beam vanished and the room stopped screeching from the alarm, I uncover my arms slowly. Looking at the big metal door that was now nowhere to be. It was completely vanished. There are some burn marks around the doorway. But other than that there was no trace of a door being there in the first place. I turn to look at the crystal before scrambling out of that room. I ran through the halls looking for my group and the last place they were until I saw a clock. IT'S BEEN TWO HOURS! How was I in that room for that long? It only felt like a few minutes! By now the assembly will be starting in 15 minutes, thank god I remember we're the tour guide said where it was. But it was across the building. If I rush, I could probably make it in time. I start running through the hallways, but this place was like a frickin maze, I don't even want to know what the original, biggest one was like, I turned the corner accidentally running straight into someone, hitting my nose. I start to slip, falling backwards, but then arms suddenly curl around my waist, stopping me from falling. There was silence as I questioned if I really just did that, not looking the person in the face. They let go of me helping me get my balance before clearing their throat,
           "You shouldn't be dashing down the hall, you might manage to get severely injured." That voice... I know that voice. I look up, instantly making eye contact with none other than Logan Frode. I felt my face heat up as he stood in silence waiting for my response I start to stutter,
"Umm I-I I got to go!" I rushed past him shaking, oh my god I wanted to talk to them, and the first thing I say is that? I should go die over and over again. I ran down a few more hallways until I see a sassy, coffee drinking boy leaning against the wall texting frantically on his phone. He looked up, sighing in relief before running forward and grabbing my arm,
"Girl where were you?? Why weren't you responding!" Remy frantically said. I smile before hugging him. I needed to calm down. "Oh honey," he says, rubbing my back, "Do you want to talk about it?" he questioned. I shook my head and sighed, pulling myself together, backing up looking up at Remy.
"Sorry I didn't answer, my phone's dead, and I-I got lost," I scratch my neck, borderline ashamed. Remy smiles softly before grabbing my hand,
"Come on, before we go in, use my phone to call your mom to pick you up," he says while pulling out his phone.
    "Uh-uh sweetie you're going home, okay?" He interrupts holding his phone out for me sternly waiting for me grab it. I smile,
"I'm gonna start getting in trouble for leaving school so early all the time," I grab his phone putting in the number and holding it up to my ear. "Hey mom, yeah, I know umm could you please pick me up? Yeah, okay, I'll stand outside by the entrance k? Yeah, I love you," I end the call giving it back to Remy with a sigh," She will be here in 55 minutes" Remy smiles grabbing my hand,
"Come on, surely nothing bad can happen at the assembly. It'll help you calm down k hun?" He laughs, dragging me into the assembly, to where his group was sitting, there were so many people! The stage was meant to hold 100,000 people and right now. It was pretty packed. During the first quarter of the assembly, they talked about how thankful they were of having us here. We didn't pay attention because Remy was currently holding his onyx in his hand, trying to calm me down as much as possible. He made me so tired I had to put my head on his shoulder. Soon they said they would bring out The Matchless, causing an uproar from the audience. I moved up, sitting at attention. After a few minutes they came out, it got so loud I covered my ears, but couldn't move my eyes from them. Why does this always happen! They showed off on the stage with Roman making a fool of himself, Logan getting annoyed and Patton being, well, Patton. I smile then immediately cover it, what am I thinking? They start talking about picking a few audience members Roman and Logan whispering to each other. What's the point they have other people they need to help. I don't deserve anything from them; I'm just a no crystal gay emo. It's not like they will ever notice me. I look up to see Patton make eye contact with me before nudging Logan, whispering something before pointing at me. I look around to see anyone else, but we were really secluded in the corner. "Holy shit," Remy said, noticing as well; finally Logan nodded, turning to the last helper they had pointing at me and talking with him. The helper turned to run off, and he pulls up his mic on his headset.
"We have picked the audience members, our helpers will be fetching you so sit tight," He walks back to Patton and Roman as their helpers start walking through the audience. I turn to look at Remy,
    "Do you think-?" I was interrupted by a hand on my shoulder, making me jump and turn abruptly. The helper made a surprised face,
    "Oh, I'm so sorry if I startled you!" she said guiltily. Remy shakes his head laughing,
    "Oh don't sweat it, sweetie, he gets scared by everything." A smile slowly rides it's way up my face, as I turn and hit him gently on the shoulder. She laughs at our antics.
    "You guys are cute, anyway Patton picked you, so I'm gonna take you down and put you in line. Is that alright?" she questions, looking at me. I immediately look at Remy for help. He seems surprised that I looked at him and gave an I don't know, why are you asking me look. I laugh and nod hesitantly. She smiles,
    "Oh, don't worry, it might seem scary, but you'll be fine!" She turns and motions me to follow her. I stand up nervously following after her. After we were out of the bleachers, she brought me to the ground floor, and she leads me to a line of 5 people. It seems I was the last to arrive. We waited a few minutes in the room before a person in a different outfit from the helpers walked in.
    "Okay, they're ready for the first one." The helpers nodded and brought the first person in line through the door. A t.v in the corner showed the assembly on the screen. I looked at it as the first person went up there. They asked simple questions like,  What is your name? How was your day? But one question shot panic through me upon hearing it.
    "What's your crystal?" I immediately didn't what to tell any of them. There are barely any people without crystals, and it usually looked as though you were so worthless that no crystal wanted you as its bearer. I was told this many times during my childhood. They probably will think I was a bigger loser than I already looked. An emo without a crystal. During my panic, they went through the remaining four giving them knowledge, helping them heal or letting a dream come true. They motion me to go, and I start to back up stuttering,
    "umm a-actually I-I d-don't think t-this is a g-good I-idea." But I was too quiet, and they dragged me towards the stage saying how they don't have all day. I was too nervous to ask again, so I put my head down feeling panic strike me like lightning. I walk down on the floor. Feeling everyone's eyes on me. I started to shake. I should have said no, why did I agree to this! I walk up the steps standing on the stage in front of the three. I slouch trying to hide in my jacket. I suddenly feel a calmness radiating off someone, who I know is Remy trying to calm me down, but I was way far past calm. My hair falls more into my face as I cross my arms across my stomach. Feeling sick, I try to not focus on that as I look at them immediately feeling small. Roman looks away looking somewhat annoyed. Logan side-eyes me like he's analyzing me, and Patton smiles walking towards me.
    "Hi, what's your name?" he chirps I instantly feel somewhat better,
"Virgil," I mutter quietly, Patton smiles
    "Well, hello there Virgil, how are you?" He asks I look around feeling the lie on my lips before answering,
    "Fine," I put my hands in my pockets, so they don't see me shaking, but I'm pretty sure they already can sense the stress is coming off me in waves.
    "Ugh, get on with it, I'm bored!" Roman exasperates throwing his hands in the air, making the audience laugh. I shrink more and glare a little bit. Patton makes a disapproving face before turning to look at Roman,
"Now Roman that wasn't nice, anyway honey, what do you want?" He asks, turning to me. I look between all of them my eyes shifting nervously,
    "umm, I-I don-" I stutter, Patton smiles.
    "Oh, that's fine, we can help, umm what is your crystal?". Patton cheerfully bounces excitedly. I step back a little feeling so sick, no I can't- I don't know- what do I-? I stumble,
    "Umm I-I-I d-d-"
    "HE DOESN'T HAVE ONE"  A voice interrupted laughing from the crowd before people join in. The three make a surprised face as I feel my world falls apart. Tears start to well up and a few drop, Patton makes a guilty look before trying to comfort me,
    "Oh, that's fine it's ju-" I  start backing up fast,
    "I'm-I'm sorry I-I have t-to go!" I immediately turn and run off the stage and past the helpers, slamming the doors open tears slipping down my face. Hearing people yell after me.  I run to the front of the building and with perfect timing my mom pulls up. I slam open the door of the car buckling myself in.
    "Oh gosh, sweetie what happened, are you okay?" She worriedly tries to comfort me.
    "Can we please just go I really don't want to talk about it," I sob out. She gives me a concerned look before turning and driving the car away from the building. I curl up on the seat looking out the window at the building, seeing three people run out, but I couldn't make out who they were.

Days after the incident, and after seeing the footage, we knew for a fact, that this time we finally had it right. After so long of looking, we finally found him. Virgil, the bearer of Fashutana, who exactly are you?

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