Chapter 22 Harley's Prego

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Jeffrey's POV

"Come on Harley!" I yell from the front door as Kira and I wait for her to come down so we can go to the vet. "I think she knows where we're going, can you go get her?"
"Sure." Kira says as she goes upstairs to get Harley.
"Hey." Doris says and we start talking.

Kira's POV

As I get up the stairs I see Mikey and he practically skips to me and immediately asks for snacks. "Mikey, you can have some of my snacks after I get back and we can watch movies or something too, ok?" I say getting frustrated as he keeps begging me for my snacks. Why can't he just buy his own?
"Ugh, fine, BUT, we're watching what I want." He protests.
"Yeah, yeah, ok. I'll see you later." I say and mess his hair up and he scowls at me and fixes it. "Ok, now that that's over lets go to the vet, ok Har." I say as she whines and wiggles in my arms. "It's ok girl." I laugh and give her a pat on the head and a kiss.
As I get down the stairs I see Doris and, Jeffrey talking, I still can't get used to his name. I wonder what they're talking about, I'm a very nosey person so I think about eavesdropping but I decide against it.
"Ahem." Doris turns around startled and says hey. "Hey Doris. So Jeffrey are we ready?" I ask as I put Harley on her leash.
"Yep, lets go. I'll talk more about this with you later."
"Ok talk to ya later. See you guys later, hopefully Harley's ok." Doris says and opens the door for us.

At The Vet

Jeffrey's POV

As we sit and wait for Harley to come out Kira turns to me. "So, not to be nosey but we're you and Doris talking anything about me?"
"Well sorta, it was about us."
"Oh. Well could you tell me what you were saying to her?"
"Yeah. I was just asking if I should be dating yet, cause of Brittany and all, ya know?" I say as I look at Kira and she gives me a small smile.
"I get it, and if you're not ready you don't have to, it's ok."
"No I- I think I'm ok. But if this doesn't go right I'm so sorry in advance." I explain.
"What do you mean if it doesn't go right? I'm sure everything will be fine. I'll always be here for you, through thick and thin and everything in between. You've got me and Doris, Syd, Mikey and Michael, you've got all of us. You're good." She assures me and I feel a lot better. I smile at her and give her a hug.
"Thank you." I whisper and kiss her lips quickly when I pull out of the hug. Her checks turn red and she looks away and I chuckle.
"Jeffrey and Kira? You can come see Harley now." The vet calls from an open door across from where we're sitting.

"So Har is pregnant. Wasn't expecting that. I just thought they'd say she needs to lose weight." I say to everyone as we all sit in the living room playing with Harley.
"When's she due?" Mikey asks.
"Oh and when she has them we need to keep one!" Doris and Syd say.
"She's due in about two weeks the vet said. And sure we'll keep one." I say as I get Harley to shake my hand, then give her a treat.
"Hey!" I hear familiar voices from the door.
"Oh, hey dad, hey mum." I say and stand up walking towards the front door with Harley on my heels. "Hey baby! Are you excited to see daddy!" I say sweetly to George as she coos and reaches for me smiling. I pick her up from my mums arms and kiss her all over her face making her giggle and then put her on my hip.
"So how is everyone?" Richard asks. (Jeff's dad)
"Good, good. How are you guys?"
"We're good too, we're actually going to England soon. If we see Andy up there want me to say hi for you?" Sandy says. (Jeff's mum)
"Of course, thanks. Oh and if you do see him tell him if he wants a puppy he can have one." I laugh.
"Wait what? Is Harley pregnant?" My mum asks.
"Yeah she is. Some dog at the park got her pregnant. Now we're having puppies, she's due in two weeks."


I say as Harley comes up to my parents and they pet her.
"Can we have one?" My dad asks, he's a softie for animals like me.
"Sure If you want one. I'll call you over when she has them." I say and ask Syd to take George and she takes her and her and Mikey play with her. "So, we're having pot roast and BBQ for supper, do you guys wanna stay?" I ask as we sit on the couch.
"If you don't mind sure." My mum says and gives me a smile.
"Richard?! Sandy?!" I hear Kira yell shocked from the bottom of the stairs. She comes running into the living room and hugs both of them tightly.
"Kira!" My parents say. "Negan how come you didn't tell us she was here?!" My mum complains.
"Well, there's a lot I need to tell you. Sorry." I say and my heart races as I hope they're ok with the decisions I've made. "So um first of all, Kira and I, we're, dating."
"Wait, really?!" I nod my head. "That's amazing! We've wanted you two together ever since you two were little!" My dad says.
"Oh well ok. Also my name's not Negan anymore, it's Jeffrey Dean Morgan." My heart races as they look at me expressionless.
"I- um, I don't know what to say... why'd you change it?" My mum asks and she looks a bit disappointed.
"I've never liked my name and I felt like I needed a big change after what's happened." I explain.
"Well it's not our decision anymore and I actually like the name, but I miss my little Negan." My mum says as she sniffles a bit and I give her a hug.
"It's ok, if you really want I'll still let you call me Negan. I know how much you liked my name." I say and pull away as she nods.
"No it's ok baby, I'll call you Jeffrey. It's your name now." She smiles. I kiss her cheek and then the oven beeps letting me know the pot roast is done.
"Well that's supper so, let's eat." I say as we all get up and sit at the dinner table.

"Thank you for having us sweetheart. We'll see you when the pups are born." My mum says and I hug them both. "Bye, love you." They both say and I close the door after saying bye.
"It was really nice seeing you're parents again, they're still as sweet and caring as ever, I missed them." Kira says with a smile.
"It was nice seeing them, I haven't seen them in a little while, so it was good to see them." I smile as well.

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