Being saved and him finding out

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-Aquamarine POV-
As I'm walking home from school, I begin to feel like someone or something is watching me. I look around me to see what's following me.
Seconds later, a group of kids jumped me from behind and attacked me, then everything went black.
-Clark's POV-
As I'm driving home, I noticed a group of kids kicking something. When I got closer, I noticed it was Aquamarine that was being kicked.
I got our car and chased them away, then I picked her up and put her in my car, and drove home.
-Aquamarine POV-
I begin to open my eyes, once back into focus, I try to sit up I groan.
"What the fuck," I say.
"Hey, hey, I wouldn't do that if I were you." A familiar voice says.
I look up to see Mr.Kent standing over me.
"What happened?"
He explained everything to me, and even while I was out.
"How long was I out?"
"A couple of hours."
"I must be home by now, my grandparents must be worried sick."
"No stay here, your still bruised and beaten up."
I start to panic, 'did you see my healing scales?'
"Um, did you see anything strange on me when you banged me up?"
"No, why?" He asked
"Just wondering."
"Was I suppose to see something?"
"No, no, nothing at all Mr.Kent."
"Please call me Clark, you can call me Mr.Kent on school ground only, ok?
"Yes, sir."
"Now, let get you home ok, let me drive you there."
"Thank you, Clark."
When he picked me up, he picked me up like I weighed nothing at all.
- one drive later-
When we got there, grandpa was on the front porch. Once he parked, he went to my side and carried me.
"Aquamarine, What happened, who is he?"
"I'll explain later, just get her to her room, please sir."
He nods, he took me from his arms and took me to my room.
-Kent's POV-
When the man came downstairs, I could tell he had mixed emotions about me.
"Now explain what happened, and who are you?"
I nodded and proceed to explain to him what happened to her and who I am.
"So, let me get this straight, she got attacked by a group of kids and you saved her?"
"Yes, sir."
He chuckled, "Let me repay you, stay here for the night."
"I couldn't, I've got work to do."
Before he could say anything, someone spoke up.
"Can you do it for me?"
When he turned around, it was Aquamarine to stand him.
"Can you stay for my thank you to you."
When she said that, I could say no.
I took a deep breath and proceeded to say:
"Ok Aquamarine, only for you."
-hours later, Aquamarine POV-
While everyone was asleep, I contacted Vulko to meet me at the pear. Once I got there, he was already there.
"What's seems to be the problem princess?"
"Can you do me two favor, please?"
"Of course, What is it?"
"First, can you tell me who's Clark Kent is?"
"I've heard that name before with your father, but I can't put a finger on it."
"Ok thank you, now second, do you have anything for bruises?"
"Of course, I brought some with me, where is the injury?"
I lift up my shirt and then we begin to spray some healing water on me.
"Thank you Vulko."
He bows.
"Your welcome princess."
Then he jumped into the water. When I turn around, Clark was standing behind me and scared me.
"Jesus, Clark you scared me."
"Princess? What did he mean by a princess?" He asked in an uncertain voice.
I took a deep breath.
"He's just an old friend of my dads, and since I was born, I have had that nickname, so it stuck." I lied.
"Hmmm, I don't know, after he said that he bowed at you, how come?"
I took a deep breath.
"Promise you won't tell anyone this."
I turn to face the water and took another deep breath.
"My dad is named Arthur Curry, he's Aquaman."
"Oh, so your his little girl that he's been talking about for all this time."
"He talked about me?"
"He wouldn't shut up bout it, your the only thing he would talk bout, and also the only thing that keeps him going."
"How do you know who he is?"
"Can you promise not to tell anyone about this?"
Before he said anything, he picked me up bridal style and begin to walk to the edge of the docks, and I begin to become scared.
"What are you doing, you can't swim, stop!"
"It's alright, look down."
I automatically looked down, to see that were leviathan over the sea.
"Wait, are you him, are you Superman?"
"You guess it." He said with a smile.
I scoff.
"Well, Mis... Aquamarine, you should get some sleep, we're going to be working hard tomorrow."
"Alright Clark."
He floated back to the docks and set me down, and we talked the way back.

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